The In’s and Out’s of Committee Based Evaluation Ashley Brookshire, Georgia Institute of Technology Damien Fatongia, Trinity College Phillip A. Moreno, Dickinson College
Where We’re Heading Introduction What is CBE? Why CBE? Implementation Year One Reflection After Year Two Regional Perspective Questions?
What is CBE? CBE stands for Committee Based Evaluation. A reading model where two admission officers come together to review an applicant. In the CBE model, the two readers are designated as “Driver and Passenger”. The Driver focuses on the academic portion (high school documents) of the application, which includes: Transcript, Test Scores School Report, School Profile, Counselor Recommendation, Teacher Recommendations and any other academic information. The Passenger will focus on the non academic portion of the application (student reported information), which includes: The Application, Activities, Essays, Interviews (school specific items) After this information is reviewed, the Driver and Passenger discuss the application, capture notes, and make an initial admission decision recommendation.
Why CBE? Growth in admission staff not keeping pace with growth in applications
Why CBE? Consistency in review No decision made by only one person Discourage bias in review Knowledge transfer from senior staff to junior staff Morale Setting/balancing priorities & Accountability Better connection for regional staff to home office
CBE Implementation Timeline 8 month planning process: April: Leadership team begins discussing using CBE May: Discuss with the admissions team the potential of using CBE- solicit feedback from reading/operation staff July: Attend a CBE training/information session hosted by University of Pennsylvania August: Appointed a coordinator/CBE guru September – October: Information gathering November: Training Mid-November: Reading season starts
Staff Training CBE Staff Meeting (May, 2017) Present potential benefits/challenges to this form of evaluation Solicit feedback from evaluators/operation staff about CBE Allow staff to own the development process 3 Day CBE Training Session (November, 2017) Evaluation updates/changes to evaluation forms Norming exercises Establish expectations (re: roles, pacing, calendar, reading location, etc.) CBE demonstration 2 days of practice evaluation
Schedule 4 day weekly reading cycle – Mon, Tue & Thur, Fri Wednesdays set aside for meetings and office projects Partners will change every 2 days 4 – 5 teams reading at a time 1 “Counselor of the Day” will cover information sessions/emails/calls 1 “floater” to cover emergency situations
12-Feb Location 13-Feb 14-Feb 15-Feb 16-Feb AM Kyle KS Sophie SH Julia JP 9am-12pm Damien Lily Ben Sarah Courtney BB Eddie EM Anthony AB Adam PM 1pm-4:30pm OD Floater DF(am) CR (pm) Out LA
Year One Reflection CBE Set up and Questions Answered: CBE is a conversation between two staff to connect the dots between academic and personal characteristics Hiring and training staff is critical Respectful, spirited dialog between driver and passenger is essential to the success of CBE CBE is not meant to take the place of a multi-stage file review process For most applicants, the CBE round is the first stop before committee, cohort and possibly faculty review Process Improvement Related to CBE: Accountability – to our staff, to our norming process, to the students Confines file review to the work day/helps staff prioritize review during this time of year Team building Constant training Confidence in decisions
After Year Two Dickinson College Paired Reading (CBE) Brief Overview of Why CBE Who We Consulted How We Implemented Post Year 2 Analysis The Good The Bad The Ugly
After Year Two Areas Identified to Improve Year 3 More structure to flow More CBE reading with same partner Allow for yielding activities Two Year Data Results What the data showed Previous year CBE first year Committee’d less
Misconceptions Splitting the file between 2 readers means we’re missing pieces of the app. The passengers aren’t admission professionals, but they’re carrying weight in this process. Applications are not re-opened after CBE.
Implementation There is a lot that we weren’t able to cover regarding the implementation process. If your college or university is interested in learning more about CBE and the logistics of making this model work, please feel free to contact us. Ashley Brookshire Damien Fatongia Phil Moreno
Thank you for joining us! Questions?