Ways of Interpreting Scripture Modern Scholarship – Barth and Bultmann
On your whiteboard: What are the three methods of interpreting the Bible? Give an example of each one. Which do you think is the most appropriate/useful in understanding the Bible? Why?
Objectives Understand the approaches of Barth and Bultmann
Karl Barth Think - What is revelation? According to Barth, God reveals himself to people all the time. But sometimes they can be mistaken in interpreting this revelation. God did reveal himself completely and unmistakably - in Jesus. Human language is inadequate to convey revelation. So the NT is a human attempt to put into words something that can’t really be expressed. We should interpret it allegorically. It is a human-created “story of God”. It is NOT the words of God. CLIP
Rudolf Bultmann Much of scripture is myth. Myth = story that’s not literally true but has meaning behind it We need to demythologise the NT to find the meaning