Adverbs -OSUS Ablative of Accompaniment Lessons 23 and 24 Adverbs -OSUS Ablative of Accompaniment
Adverbs Adverbs modify verbs. Adverbs answer the question “how”? She sings beautifully. (How does she sing? Beautifully!”) He runs quickly. (How does he run? Quickly!)
How To Make-Ur-Own Homemade Adverbs Step one: find an adjective. (Those are the –us,-a,-um words) latus, lata, latum: wide
Make-Ur-Own Adverbs (cont.) Step 2: Drop the feminine –a ending. (The feminine form is the middle –a form) latus, lata, latum LATA -A = LAT-
Make-Ur-Own Adverbs (cont.) Step 3: Add an –e to your stem. (In other words, you’re replacing the –a with an –e.) LAT- + -E === LATE
Make-Ur-Own Adverbs (cont.) Step 4: Translate your adverb into English by adding an –ly. LATE: === WIDELY
Voila! Adverbs! So, the adjective latus, -a, -um: wide becomes the adverb late: widely. Your turn! Make the following adjectives into adverbs, Latin and English.
You Can Do It! tardus, tarda, tardum: slow TARDE: SLOWLY pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum: beautiful PULCHRE: BEAUTIFULLY altus, alta, altum: deep ALTE: DEEPLY
-OSUS Sometimes the suffix “-osus” is added to Latin nouns to turn them into adjectives. -osus means “full of…” victoria: victory victoriosus: full of victory gloria: glory gloriosus: full of glory
-OSUS The suffix “-osus” comes into English as “-ose” and “-ous.” victorious glorious verbose
Fun Latin Pun! The famous Roman poet, Horace, had a school teacher named Orbilius. Orbilius was known for beating students who arrived late. A strike with a whip or stick is called a “plaga”. Horace nicknamed his teacher “Plagosus Orbilius.” What does that mean?
Ablative of Accompaniment The word “cum” (“with”) is used when “with” means “together with” or “along with.” The noun that comes after “cum” must be in the ablative case. Ablative case endings: -a, -o, -is (plural)
Examples of Ablatives of Accompaniment The girl walks with the boy. Puella cum puero ambulat. The Romans fought with the barbarians. Romani cum barbaris pugnaverunt. I am talking with the teacher. Cum magistra dico.
Accompaniment vs. Means Ablative of Accompaniment: shows “together with” someone, uses “cum” for “with” Ablative of Means: shows by or with which something is done, does not use “cum” for “with.” The “with” is understood in the Latin.
Examples of Ablatives of Means The girl is walking with a crutch. The Romans fought with swords. Romani gladiis pugnaverunt. Note that the Latin doesn’t use “cum” here. You have to add it in the English.