Monday, December 3, 2018
Breakfast is served each morning in the hallway outside the IMC. Cafeteria Menu
Monday, December 3 Cafeteria Menu
Tuesday, December 4 Cafeteria Menu
6th Grade Homework Club Tuesdays and Thursdays IMC
7th Grade Homework Club Monday Thursday
8th Grade Homework Club Tuesdays and Thursdays Room 209
Digits Academy Monday through Thursday Room 212 Please sign up on the sheet posted outside Room 212.
Band News Monday, December 3 Grade 7 & 8 Full Rehearsal
Band News Tuesday, December 4 Grade 6 Full Rehearsal
Boys Basketball Boys Basketball tryouts will be Monday, December 3rd and Tuesday, December 4th. You must be cleared by the nurse before you can try out… If you have a problem with your physical, you must see Mr. Sheridan prior to tryouts.
Meetings every day this week! World Language Club Meetings every day this week!
Christmas Village Trip Wednesday, December 12 World Language Club Christmas Village Trip Wednesday, December 12 Please see Frau Berry in Room 112 for a permission slip. Permission slips are due back to Frau Berry no later than Friday, November 30th!
Please bring your lunch and folder. Peer Leaders Meeting Tuesday, December 4th Period 6 / Room 202 Please bring your lunch and folder.
6th & 7th Grade Class Council Meeting Tuesday, December 4 Room 109 / After School We will be planning our December activity. All members must attend!
WTHS Football Students In Grades 6 – 8: If you are interested in playing high school football in the future, please plan to attend a meeting with the WTHS Football Staff. Wednesday, December 5 3:00 PM IMC
Tickets are now on sale for the fall play Ladies of the Jury. Tickets are $7 and can be purchased during lunch periods or at the door.
Spring Musical Information Meeting for the Spring Musical: Mama Mia Thursday, December 6 After School Cafeteria
Young Engineers Club Meeting Tuesday, December 4 After School – Room 218 Please let Mrs. Schrumpf know if you plan to attend by Friday so she can get the necessary supplies for the meeting.
Library Helpers All students who are interested in being a library helper this year must have applications in by this Wednesday. Please apply on the IMC website or Mrs. Thomas's teacher page.