Viv Anthony Mauritius, 2 February 2018 Demand-Led Plant Breeding Plenary discussion on priorities and decision-making for Phase 2 Viv Anthony Mauritius, 2 February 2018
Strategic list of priorities from lessons learned Sustainability/Institutionalisation Accelerating lag -learning to implementation Continental initiatives (DLB alignment) Championing in Africa Evidence base Data capture from DLB alumni PPP value chain connectivity Impact Commercial licensing Products Foresight and market research Regulatory harmonization (fast release) Employment and DLB alumni
Phase 2: Outputs and outcomes What 3 key outputs/outcomes do we want to have achieved by 2021 - objective 1 - objective 2 - objective 3 What 2 needs from DLB do you have? What 2 contributions can you make ?
Variety release Alumni engagement/questionnaires and expertise - Shimelis, Nasser, Tongo, Wallace, Berhanu Fast tracking and best practice/compelling case – Firew, JC Policy brief and advocacy
DLB meeting outputs An agreed set of partners, priorities, and programme of work that will be used to seek the next 3 years of funding from the Food Security Alliance group (ACIAR, SFSA, Crawford fund) Action plan to prepare for phase 2 and deliver remaining outputs from phase 1