Turn this is now
Due tonight at midnight
When is the day to turn in your project?
When can we turn in the project?
So the day to turn in your project is?
When can we turn in the project?
2 groups of planets Create a t-chart and classify the planets into 2 groups based on their composition and their location as you read “FYI: What is a planet” Planet Group 1 1: Composition is ______ 2: Location is _____ Planet Group 2 Planets 1. 2. 3. 4.
Solar System Objects Next to your table, list the 4 other types of objects in our solar system as you read “FYI: Solar System Objects” Other Objects in Solar System with 1 defining characteristic each:
Please Answer the questions of the Week (from last week) What objects make up the Solar System? [This is a question astronomers have studied for centuries.] How do scientists organize everything in our solar system?
Fill in “Diameter”
Fill in the size of the planets
Scale of the Solar System…
Play-doh Planets
Please, Please! Play Dough Please don’t mix colors Please make sure it all gets back into the container Smoosh everything together at the end, so next period can’t see the sizes Please make sure the cap gets put back on so it doesn’t dry out Please keep the planet strips at your desk as well
Modeling the Size of Planets *complete the activity to make a scale model of the solar system for size.
Modeling the Size of Planets *complete the activity to make a scale model of the solar system for size.
Questions on Canvas Due SUNDAY at midnight
Please, Please! Play Dough Please don’t mix colors Please make sure it all gets back into the container Smoosh everything together at the end, so next period can’t see the sizes Please make sure the cap gets put back on so it doesn’t dry out Please keep the planet strips at your desk as well