Current status 2014.04.03 Minjung Kim
contents SMD gain fit Beam position scan Local polarimetry
SMD ADC distribution: 2 exponential fit [0]*exp{ -(ADC-ped)*[1] } + [2]*exp{ -(ADC-ped)*[3] }
Fit parameters [0]*exp{ -(ADC-ped)*[1] } + [2]*exp{ -(ADC-ped)*[3] } If [1] propotianal to [3], gain can be set propotianal to [1] ([3]). -> [1], [3] correlate
[1], [3] correlation: correlate p1=[1], p3=[3] set gain for each channel: Relative gain of each channel= ( [3] + [1]*3.111 )/0.2 Gain= ( [3] + [1]*3.111 )/0.2 /average or Relative gain -> make gain average=1
Comparison with DB
XY distribution: left-DB gain, right-New gain run386408 south
run386408 north
run south
run north
Phi asymmetry for center
Asymmetry vs energy
Beam position scan Assume center for 81 positions (-2.0~2.0, 0.5 cm interval. x,y 9x9 ), then calculate raw asymmetry Position with largest asymmetry will be center Plots for all fills : plot/
Beam position scan for transverse fill
Beam position scan for longitudinal fill Several fill’s example. Should check asymmetry for several position because it is hard to see center/moves
Longitudinal component for run13 Ignore fitting.
plan Organize results. Check code’s bug. Finish analysis note (~ middle of May )
Back up
Red points: I fit with [0] Red points: I fit with [0]*cos(x-[1]), so [0] can be (-) depend on what value it get [1]. If see only absolute value, this result makes sense.