By Amanda Marcilla Talens Aitana Mayor Baeza Adriana Garrigues Onrubia HISTORIC TIMELINE By Amanda Marcilla Talens Aitana Mayor Baeza Adriana Garrigues Onrubia
PREHISTORIC IRON AGE Prehistory can refer to the period of human existence before the availabality of those written records. Iron age 700 BC- AD43 Bronze age 2400-700BC Neolithic 4000BC
roman The roman Empire (Latin Imperium Romanum ) was the post . Republican period of the ancient Roman civilitzation AD43-410
Saxon y viking The Anglo - Saxon were the population in Britan party descended from the Germanic tribes. 410- 1066
MEDIEVAL The Middle Ages , or Medieval period , lasted from the 5 th to the 15 th century . It began witch the collaps of the Westem Roman Empire and merged into the Renassaissece 1066-1485
Centuries The tudo period is the period btween 1485 an 1603 in England and Wales. It coincides with the rule of the Tudo dynasty in England 16 th y 17 th centuries Todors 1485 – 1603
Victorians The Victorian arelof Britsh history was the period of Queen Victorians reign from 20 june 1837 , unteel her deats on 22 Taundry 1901
Modern Modern history , also referred to as the moder period or the modern era is is the history toriograhical apptoach to the timeflame after the post – classic era