** Be sure to save this PowerPoint to your Google slides. Teaching Inferencing Through Comics ** Be sure to save this PowerPoint to your Google slides.
Ed Puzzle Video Log into EdPuzzle (click on the word). Sign in with your Google account. If needed, here are the classroom codes: Mr. L's homeroom = wacsurt Mrs. Reeg's homeroom = mashand Watch the assigned video called "Making Inferences" and answer the questions in the video. When done, read the Garfield comics on the next few slides and answer all the questions.
Discussion Questions: Why does Garfield refer to his “bed” as a time travel machine? What is happening in frame 2? What does this mean? Did Garfield really time travel? What actually happened in this comic?
Discussion Questions: Look at Garfield’s face in frame 1. What does his facial expression tell his Audience? Why is Garfield smiling in frame 2? Why is Jon asking Garfield where his pants are? Garfield made a plan, and it worked! What was his plan?
Discussion Questions: What is happening in frame 2? In frame 3, Garfield is thinking, “Ah, a volunteer!” Why is his thought incorrect? What does this comic tell you about Jon and Garfield’s relationship?
Discussion Questions: Who or what might Odie be? What does Garfield think that dogs are not good at? Why does Garfield come to this conclusion?
Discussion Questions: Why is there two signs in this comic? Look at frame 2. Does Garfield think the two signs are genuinely funny? How can you tell? 3. In this comic, the signs are “thinking.” Why is that odd?
The End!