Canto 24 Dante’s Inferno Charles Cocchiara 11-19-2007
Canto 24 Canto 24 starts off with Virgil being very angry because the devils in the previous pouch had lied to Dante and Virgil, by giving them wrong directions. However, Virgil’s mood changes very quickly, and Dante compares Virgil to a shepherd who thinks he cannot feed his flock but becomes relieved as the sun melts the frost on the fields.
Canto 24 At this point, they arrive at the ruins of a bridge. Therefore, Dante and Virgil have to climb to continue their journey. It is very dark and as they climb these rocks, they here the screams from down below. They find themselves in the 7th pouch of the malebolge. Here, the souls of thieves are being punished.
Here is the entire layout of hell and you can locate where the thieves are punished in canto 24
Canto 24 (thieves) As Danti and Virgil approach this pouch they see that is it full naked souls running among serpents. These souls are bitten by these serpents and turned into dust, which then immediately reforms into the shape of the soul.
Canto 24 Here, Dante meets the soul of Vanni Fucci. He was an enemy of Dante, a member of the black guelf party from the city of Tuscany. Fucci was a theif who had stolen from the church and allowed someone else to take the blame. This man was very spiteful and made obscene gestures to not only Danti but to God also.