Age of Metternich 1815-1848
Dual Revolution Economic & Political change go hand in hand Growing middle class makes political demands The growing working class makes economic demands
Klemens von Metternich Austrian Foreign Minister 1809-1848 Committed Conservative Protect traditional leadership, order Supported by nobles & peasants Dominates European politics in 1st half of 19th century
Conservatism Edmund Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France Defends inherited privilege Denounces major changes of the French Rev.
Holy Alliance 1815 Alliance of Aus, Rus, & Prus against liberalism Serve as peacekeeping force to put down revolutions
Austria, The Empire Multi-Ethnic, Multi-National Ruled by German minority Threatened by nationalism, liberalism
Carlsbad Decrees 1819 Required German states to remove teachers and censor newspapers espousing liberal ideas Outlaws student organizations