Comparing & Ordering Larger Numbers
Recap… What is a place value chart? What are different way to represent numbers? What are ways we can compare numbers?
Key Signs to Remember Greater than < Less than > Equal to =
The Line-up When comparing numbers, place the numbers in the place value charts, line theme up, and compare the face value of numbers in the same section! 1: Compare the place values in the thousands 2: Compare hundreds (if needed) 3: Compare tens (if needed) 4: Compare ones (if needed)
Which number is larger? 1702 1903 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 9 3 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 7 2 Start with the thousands place value… 1,000 ____1,000
Since 700 is ____900, who had more RBIs? Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 9 3 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 7 2 Move to the hundreds place value… 700 ____900 Since 700 is ____900, who had more RBIs?
? 1 4 8 2 1 6 2 Start with the thousands place value… 1,000 ____1,000 Hundreds Tens Ones 1 4 8 2 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 6 2 Start with the thousands place value… 1,000 ____1,000
1 4 8 2 1 6 2 Move to the hundreds place value… 400 ____100 Thousands Tens Ones 1 4 8 2 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 6 2 Move to the hundreds place value… 400 ____100
1 5 2 9 1 5 3 7 Start with the thousands place value… 1,000 ____1,000 Hundreds Tens Ones 1 5 2 9 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 5 3 7 Start with the thousands place value… 1,000 ____1,000
1 5 2 9 1 5 3 7 Move to the hundreds place value… 500 ____500 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 5 2 9 Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 5 3 7 Move to the hundreds place value… 500 ____500 Now what?
Part 2: Ordering numbers
Average Fan Attendance Angels Red Sox Yankees Ten-Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones 4 1 7 3 Ten-Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones 3 6 8 2 Ten-Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones 5 2 6 4 1 Start with the ten-thousands place value…
Average Fan Attendance Ten-Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones 5 2 6 4 1 Yankees Angels Red Sox Ten-Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones 4 1 7 3 Ten-Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones 3 6 8 2
You try … 3 4 6 5 4 7 2 4 7 Padres Dodgers Mets Ten-Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones 3 4 6 5 Padres Ten-Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones 4 7 2 Ten-Thousand Thousand Hundred Tens Ones 4 7 Dodgers Mets