CVUHSD SSC Training Fall, 2018
Agenda Welcome and Meeting Norms Review the purpose of SSC, SPSA, and Title I SSC Composition and Leadership Roles/Responsibilities SSC Protocols and Procedures The Single Plan for Student Achievement: What does it say and what do we do with it? School Site Council: Cycle of Inquiry SSC Leadership Roles: Vote Agenda
Meeting Norms Keep to the agenda/Goals of the meeting Be an engaged participant Be an active listener/Open to new ideas Use notes for side-bar conversations Use electronics respectfully Assume good intentions Meeting Norms
Review the Purpose of SSC SSC Manual 2018-2019, Pg: 7
What is the role of SSC? One word answer… Popcorn
Review the Purpose of THE SPSA, and Title I Family Engagement and Parent Input! Diagram of Parent Involvement and Input (Pg 36) Parent Recommendation Form (Page 38-39) SSC Manual 2018-2019, Pgs: 36 - 39
SSC Composition SSC Manual 2018-2019, Pg: 9
What’s YOUR Piece of the Pie?
SSC Leadership Roles/Responsibilities SSC Manual 2018-2019, Pg: 12
SSC Protocols and Procedures Pgs: 10-11: Meeting Procedures and By-Laws 26-28: Parliamentary Procedures, practice, and greene act 30-31: Sample script 32-35: SSC Sample By-Laws SSC Manual 2018-2019, Pgs: 10-11, 26-28, 30-31, 32-35
With a partner: “I believe that having protocols and procedures at SSC meetings is important because (blank), (blank), and (blank).” Pro-Talk Strategies
The Single Plan for Student Achievement Site’s 2018-2019 SPSA, SSCM Pgs: 13-21, and 50, and SPSA Scavenger Hunt Worksheet
SPSA Scavenger Hunt and Goal Analysis Worksheet Hint: Start with the SPSA Table of Contents: What page(s) are the School Goals On? SPSA Scavenger Hunt and Goal Analysis Worksheet
School Site Council: Cycle of Inquiry SSC 2018-2019 Calendar of Agenda Items And SSCM Pgs: 44-47
SSC Leadership Roles: Vote Description Chairperson Organize, convene & lead meetings Attend planning meetings with Principal and Director If this person is not voted in, they may not vote. Vice-Chairperson Serve in the absence of the chairperson Secretary Record SSC actions at meetings & maintain records Attend minutes-writing workshops with Director E-mail agenda, minutes, and sign-in sheets to Director monthly Parliamentarian Monitor for and Resolve questions of procedure Know the By-laws, Greene Act, and Robert’s Rules of Order SSC Leadership Roles: Vote