Medial Longitudinal Arch Sprain/Strain Foot & Ankle Injuries Medial Longitudinal Arch Sprain/Strain
Introduction Think back to the lessons on medial longitudinal arch sprain/strain. What is the mechanism of injury? What are the Signs &Symptoms for a medial longitudinal arch sprain/strain?
Introduction Medial Longitudinal Arch Sprain/Strain is a painful injury that may limit the athlete’s ability to walk or run normally. By applying supportive taping to the injured arch, the athlete may be able to continue to participate in sports activities without causing any further harm.
Objectives Students will be able to: of the tape job Identify the objective/goal of the tape job Select necessary supplies list steps to be performed Demonstrate taping techniques
Objective of the tape job to support the medial longitudinal arch and keep it from flattening out
Necessary Supplies Tape adherent 1.5” tape 1” tape
Procedure - Preparation (Shaved), clean, dry skin Apply tape adherent to plantar surface of foot & calcaneus
Procedure Anchor Strips to metatarsal arch from medial to Apply anchor strips to posterior calcaneus Use 1.5” tape Apply anchor strip to metatarsal arch from medial to lateral in a half circle fashion Use 1” tape
Procedure Support Strips tear drop fashion to the Apply support strips in a tear drop fashion to the plantar aspect of the foot In an overlapping fashion Use 1” tape
Procedure Support Strips to the anchor strip around the calcaneus Start at 1st metatarsal head Proceed laterally toward calcaneus to the anchor strip around the calcaneus toward the medial arch End at the 1st metatarsal head
Procedure Support Strips Start at 5th metatarsal head Proceed laterally toward calcaneus to the around the calcaneus toward the medial arch End at the 5th metatarsal head AKA: 5 to 5
Procedure Support Strips Start at 1st metatarsal head proceed laterally toward calcaneus to the around the calcaneus and toward the medial arch End at the 5th metatarsal head AKA: 1 to 5
Procedure Support Strips Start at 2nd metatarsal head Proceed laterally toward calcaneus to the anchor strip around the calcaneus toward the medial arch End at the 4th metatarsal head AKA: 2 to 4
Procedure Cover Strips Apply cover strips over the supporting strips in an overlapping fashion on the plantar aspect of the foot
Procedure Cover Strips Use half circle strips pulling from lateral to medial beginning at the metatarsal heads Continue in this fashion down the foot to the posterior calcaneus Use 1” tape
Procedure Cover Strips Apply cover strips over the dorsal aspect of the foot Use half circle strips in overlapping fashion secure the loose ends of the 1” tape strips Use 1.5” tape Check for comfort, circulation & function
Practice! Get the necessary supplies Tape adherent 1.5” tape 1” tape Get with your partner and apply the turf toe taping technique on each other