CogAT Universal Screener For 2nd Grade Parents 2018-2019 Naviance and Individual Planning Update
UNIVERSAL SCREENING of cognitive abilities Every 2nd graders in Fort Bend ISD will take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) the week of September 17 – 21.
TEST ADMINISTRATION: September 17 - 28 Group administered online testing Directions read aloud for each question The test has measures in place to ensure students to not rush. They are self-paced and untimed.
PRIMARY USE OF TEST SCORES Individual student data will: guide efforts to adapt instruction to meet the needs and abilities of all students provide valuable insight into student’s cognitive (brain) development Please say: The data from this test will provide valuable information into how your child thinks. This information will assist to teachers when making instructional decisions for your child. It will also provide you valuable information with supporting your child at home. This test is not an achievement test; it measures how your child THINKS not what they have learned.
Preparing for the cOgat You can help your student to prepare for taking the test by: Playing fun puzzles and/or brain games with them Making sure they get adequate rest Encouraging them to do their best thinking Reminding them this is a test to better understand how they think and learn
SCORE REPORTING Score reports will be sent home in October 2018. Visit the Fort Bend ISD webpage for more information on how the CogAT is scored.
Gifted and talented evaluation The universal screener is not an automatic evaluation for gifted and talented services. Check your email and visit for information regarding GT Evaluation and the CogAT.