Using Math to create your Alter Ego. Danny Haas Alter Egos Using Math to create your Alter Ego.
Danny Haas Art
Symmetry When one side reflects the design of the other.
What do you notice about Haas’ work?
Project Criteria: Create a Haas-inspired Alter Ego (Superhero/Super Villain). Create a SYMMETRICAL emblem/symbol. Use proper measurements to create drawing and understand symmetry. Use proper colored pencil techniques for coloring.
Objectives & Understanding Composition & Creative Process Grading Objectives & Understanding Composition & Creative Process Material Application Completion I can create a Haas-inspired drawing that shows symmetry. I following the rules of symmetry and measured correctly to create my self-portrait. I used the colored pencil techniques I learned in class to make my drawing better. I used my time wisely and completed my project on time.