2012 AUSTRALIAN TUTORING ASSOCIATION (ATA) LTD ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) 2018 1-3 Fitzwilliam Street Parramatta, NSW 22nd January 2019 10.30AM – 11.30AM
Report of the Secretary Welcome and apologies Statutory Reports The year that was Income up though membership has slightly declined Huge investment in the ATA website Notable achievements Consulting to DET in Review of Selective Education Access - June 2018 Successful first Annual Conference in Sydney 2019 plans and goals Launch website with greater functionality, including member logins Annual Conference in Melbourne in September GSA Insurance possibility – white labelling of insurance – but assurances? Bringing accreditation in-house? GPTA – new website with greater functionality and membership expansion Push for regulation of the sector through a licensing regime
Welcome and apologies Welcome 13th AGM of the ATA Apologies The ATA received the following apologies: Nam Hong Nguyen – Apollo Education and Training Mary Height – Light to Learning Anita Saravanamuttu - Richmond Tutoring College Nerissa Lee Long – A2Z Learning (Qld) Doug Lamb – Tutor Doctor Jan Hutton – Learning Through Life
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Total members 31st December 2011 348 Total members 31st December 2012 413 Total members 31st December 2013 504 Total members 3rd December 2014 601 Total members 1st December 20150 485 (Accreditation) Total members 9th December 2016 462 Total members 542 (7 pending – NPT) Total current members: 551 Net increase through 2018: 2 members Net increase through 2017: 84 members Net decrease through 2016: 22 members Net decrease through 2015: 108 members Net increase through 2014: 97 members Net increase through 2013: 91 members Net increase through 2012: 65 members
The year that was…2018 summarised January www.lawpath.com.au Article: ”What do I need to start a tutoring business?” Legal Vision publishes an article, “How do I set up a Tutoring Business?”, by Anthony Lieu February ATA Conference tickets go on sale March ATA Newsletter Issue 45 published ATA Conference tickets sales increase April ATA Annual Conference in Sydney. Members come from Tasmania, Victoria WA, ACT, NSW and Qld. Feedback indicated it was highly successful. May ATA web designer advises a huge cost rise, functionality of the website appears limited and outdated. June ATA consults with NSW Department of Education over Review of Selective Education Access ATA Newsletter issue 46 published
The year that was…2018 summarised July ATA Board seeks quotes for new website host and web design for improved member access, benefits and functionality August ATA member reports that the ATA Conference is accepted by the NSW Educational Standards (NESA) for teacher-nominated training for teacher accreditation purposes. September 3AW interview with Tom Elliott re: the value and benefit of tutoring and the value of mainstream educators disclosing truly their relationship with the industry October ATA quoted in an article on Ben Fordham’s show re: the dangers of scam websites targeting HSC students ATA commissions a reinvestment in the ATA website – a significant investment for members November ATA quoted in all over the East Coast in an article raising issues about an HSC loophole that allowed offshore students to access exam answers prior to doing their exams. ATA quoted in The Age re: the push for open book exams in an article by Henrietta Cook December ATA Board plan 2019 Conference and 2019 Annual goals.
ATA Finances Tier Type of company Obligations Audit requirements for AGM and ASIC Rules - Companies limited by guarantee – simplified obligations From 28 June 2010, companies limited by guarantee are subject to a number of law changes including: prohibition on payment of dividends to members preparation and audit or review of financial reports, and annual financial reporting to members. Importantly, the law now defines a small company limited by guarantee. What is a small company limited by guarantee? A company is a small company limited by guarantee in a particular financial year if: it is a company limited by guarantee for the whole of the financial year it is not a deductible gift recipient at any time during the financial year, and its revenue (or consolidated revenue if that applies) for the financial year is less than $250,000. Tier Type of company Obligations 1 Small company limited by guarantee. Unless directed by a member or ASIC, does not have to: • prepare a financial report or have it audited • prepare a directors’ report, or • notify members of annual reports. Source: http://www.asic.gov.au/asic/asic.nsf/byheadline/Companies+limited+by+guarantee-simplified+obligations
ATA Financial Report and Summary 1st Oct 2017– 30 Sept 2018 Income ATA Membership: $151,200.94 Other income AON Partnership income $2,941.5o (382 members 0r 69%) was $2,543.30 (330 members or 60%) Accredited Tutor: $3,000 (was $2,800) Total annual income: $157,115.44 (was $193,233.21) Expenses Accreditation: $55,514.01 (was $75,595.35) Other expenses Expenses $82,382.30 (Wages = $59,001.19, Superannuation $6,765.16) Wage and superannuation expenses have fallen. Net increase in bank 31st Dec 2017 – 31st December 2018: +$19,219.13
ATA Loan to GPTA The ATA loaned to the GPTA $10,000 in 2016 The loan in 2017 underwent the following changes: GPTA membership for 2017 $500 for a national association plus $5 per member. The ATA had 463 members. This equated to $2,315 The ATA membership fee for 2017 was $500 + $2,315 = $2,815 The balance of the loan start of 2017: $7,185 New website charges: $14,347.80 GPTA membership for 2018: $500 for a national association plus $5 per member. The ATA has 546 members. This equates to $2,730 The ATA membership fee for 2017 is $500 + $2,730 = $3,230 The balance of the loan end of 2017: $3,955 + $14,347.80 = $18,302.80 The value of the loan at end of 2018: GPTA membership for 2019: $500 for a national association plus $5 per member. The ATA has 540 members. This equates to $2,700 The ATA membership fee for 2017 is $500 + $2,700 = $3,200 The balance of the loan at end of 2018 is: $18,302.80 - $3,200 = $15,002.80
2019 Membership Fees Structure – no change since 2015…. Membership Categories For businesses with a teacher principal $499 inc GST: ATA (membership and accreditation) $299 and insurance $200 For businesses with a non-teacher principal: $549 inc GST ATA (membership and accreditation) $349 and insurance $200 For individual teacher: $499 inc GST: For individual non-teacher: $549 inc GST: Listing Price (members with multiple sites – one manager) $77 per site per year for registered businesses $330 for “Agencies” – no actual physical site