Exchanges The Anglo- Saxon defeated the Vikings known as the Danes. The Danes got defeated by an powerful Anglo- Saxon king named Alfred the Great. Alfred the Great enhanced the culture with the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, a record of English history, was initiated at his bidding.
War & Treaties The Hundred Year’s War was a war between England and France during the reign of Edward III. While the war was occurring a plague known as Black Death killed a third of England population. Leaving two rivals families to claim the throne known as the War of the Roses.
The War of the Roses Lancaster symbolized the red rose. House of York symbolized the white rose. Lancastrian Henry Tudor defeated Yorkist king Richard III leaving him to take the throne as Henry VII .
Centuries of Invasion The first people to inhabit what we now know as Britain are the Britons. The Jutes cam from Juteland in Denmark were the first to cross the North Sea. They settled in what is now known as the county of Kent. Another group of invaders were the Angles and the Saxons. The Britons were no match for them.
The Norman Conquest In 1042 Alfred’s family member, Edward the Confessor toke up the throne. Edward then promise to make William, duke of Normandy, his heir. When Edward died, the council of nobles chose Harold to succeed him. William led his Norman army to conquer England, known as the Norman Conquest. Harold was killed and William was crowned.
Globalization Religion: The Spread of Christianity Renaissances: Medieval Romance, education system.
The spread of Christianity Christianity opened up a bright new possibility: that the suffering of this world was merely a prelude to the eternal happiness of heaven. No one really know the spread of Christianity but within two centuries, it spread to Ireland and Scotland. Roman missionary Augustine established a monastery at Canterbury. By 690, England Christianity is spread all over Europe.
Renaissance The earliest prose writers an chronicles among the Anglo- Saxon churchmen also wrote in Latin. Alfred the Great created the use of written English and introduced a code of law and opened the first English “public schools”.
Social Structures Feudalism: Not possible to change classes King Nobles Knights / Vassals Merchants / Farmers/ Craftsmen Peasants / Serfs Role of Women: -To provide a male heir to continue the family line -Could weave wool for clothing production -Could make medicine
Trading of Luxury Goods -Trade was localized due to feudalism -Crusades encouraged expanded trade -Imported: Spices, groceries, linen, Egyptian paper, pearls, perfumes, and silk -Exported: Cotton and wool
Innovations in Technology -Universities were set up, encouraging the study of science -Science was influenced by the teachings in the bible -The knowledge of gravity allowed for the development of counterweights to launch stones large distances -Developed Longbow archery -Development of the heavy plow, horse collar and horseshoes advanced agriculture -Development of the Well, wheelbarrow and blast furnace helped construction -Hourglass invented to tell time, late 13th century mechanical clocks invented