Latin I Spring 2015 Lesson 15 + additional info! “SUM” Latin I Spring 2015 Lesson 15 + additional info!
“SUM” “Sum” is the “to be” verb. Like other languages, including English, “sum” is an irregular verb in Latin. Let’s look at “be” in English first. See how its forms are all different in the singular? Singular Plural I am We are You are Y’all are He/she/it is They are
“SUM” sum, esse, fui, futurus: to be “Sum” has 4 principal parts, but they look very different than “regular” verbs’ parts. sum, esse, fui, futurus: to be There’s no –re to drop to make a “stem.” Since there’s no stem, you must learn the charts “whole.”
Present Tense: SUM text p. 109 Singular Plural sum I am sumus we are es you are estis y’all are est he/she/ it is sunt they are These are stand-alone words, not endings.
“SUM” in action! Nauta sum. Est regina. Es agricola bonus. Sunt mali. Sumus parvi. Estis reginae. I am a sailor. She is a queen. You are a good farmer. They are bad. We are small. Y’all are queens.
These are stand-alone words, not endings. Imperfect Tense: ERAM text p. 181 Imperfect Tense is a type of past tense! Singular Plural eram I was eramus we were eras you were eratis y’all were erat he/she/ it was erant they were These are stand-alone words, not endings.
“ERAM” in action! Nauta eram. Erat regina. Eras agricola bonus. Erant mali. Eramus parvi. Eratis reginae. I was a sailor. She was a queen. You were a good farmer. They were bad. We were small. Y’all were queens.
Future Tense: ERO text p. 127 (1st chart only) Singular Plural ero I will be erimus we will be eris you will be eritis y’all will be erit he/she/ it will be erunt they will be These are stand-alone words, not endings.
“ERO” in action! Nauta ero. Erit servus. Eris agricola bonus. Erunt laeti (happy). Numerus erit parvus. Victoria erit grata. I will be a sailor. He will be a slave. You will be a good farmer. They will be happy. The number will be small. Victory will be pleasing.
Write the charts on the whiteboard… (write small!) Present tense of “sum” Imperfect tense of “sum” Future tense of “sum”