The Meaning of the “Life” Jordyn Hancock Date:6-10-10 Mod:7/8
What is your meaning of the word “Life?” ___________________________________________________________
Dictionary Definition “The meaning of life is a philosophical question concerning the purpose and significance of human existence”
Why I did a Project on the “Meaning of Life.” I wanted to see what other people of other ages thought of the meaning of life. I know that the meaning of life is infinite according to all people’s life styles.
Thesis Statement No matter the age or the time period you lived in there is no definite meaning of life it all depends on your lifestyle and surroundings.
Socrates In Socrates schools “instead of lecturing Socrates listened to what other people were saying. Then he asked them questions to make them think more deeply about their own ideas. This way of thinking is called the ‘Socratic Method” “Beware the bareness (emptiness) of a busy life.”
Plato Plato was a student of Socrates that really admired him. Plato left Athens for 12 years after Socrates died and when he came back 12 years later he followed after Socrates steps and made his own school of philosophy. “NO one can be good or have knowledge without asking questions.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson “Life is a progress, and not a station.”
Sydney J. Harris “Strictly Personal” “When I heard somebody sigh, ‘Life is hard,’ I am always tempted to ask, ‘Compared to what?”
Barack Obama “Everyday I wake up trying to figure out how I can secure…the futures of all children…giving a planet and a country to them that is better than the one we got…”
Here’s what my family thinks…
Autumn Latara Hancock Age: 5 Question: 1. What do you like doing that is fun for you? 2. What makes life sad or hard for you?” Answers: 1. “Going to school and riding the bus.” 2. “Getting in trouble.”
Kayla Ann Evans Age: 9 Questions: Answers: 1.What do you like doing that is fun for you? 2.What makes you sad or mad? Answers: 1.“Playing soccer and playing with my friends.” 2.“When I do chores.”
Jasmine Nicole Hinds Age: 13 Questions: 1. What makes life fun for you? 2. What makes life hard or stressful for you? Answers: 1.“Making new friends and hanging with friends.” 2. “Drama, haters, and people who judge a book by it’s cover!”
Brianna Talia Griffin Age: 16 Questions: 1.What makes life fun for you? 2.What makes life hard or stressful for you? Answers: 1.“Eating, hanging out with friends, and getting money.” 2.“PEOPLE!!!”
Farah Maria Evans Age: 30 Questions: Answers: 1.What makes life meaningful to you? 2.What’s your meaning of life to you? Answers: 1.“Family and helping others.” 2.“Being happy, giving back, and spending time with your family.”
Cecile Annette Hinds Age: 66 Questions: 1.What makes life meaningful to you? 2.What’s your meaning of life to you? Answers: 1.“Living for the Lord Jesus and trusting Him to take care of me.” 2.“The meaning of life is living a life that pleases God-loving our neighbors.”
Conclusion In conclusion all of the above personal quotes from real life people show that there is not just one definite meaning of life it all depends on the way you live your life.