The LEq AP World History
About the LEQ You are required to answer one Long Essay Question on the exam. You have 35 minutes to do so. This section is 15% of your total exam score. You will be given a choice between two comparable long essay options – this is an opportunity for you to demonstrate what you know best.
About the LEQ There are three kinds of LEQs that the AP can ask you. LEQ 1: Comparison and Contrast LEQ 2: Changes and Continuities Over Time LEQ 3: Causation These are based on four of the Historical Thinking Skills that the AP will emphasize throughout the year
About the LEQ: CC 1st Ability to describe, compare and evaluate developments within one society, across or between different societies, and in various chronological and geographical contexts. This may also include comparisons and evaluations of historical perspectives. Students should be able to: Compare developments across place, time, and/or societies Explain and evaluate different perspectives on a given historical phenomenon
About the LEQ: CCOT 2nd Ability to recognize, analyze, and evaluate the dynamics of historical continuity and change over periods of time of varying length, as well as the ability to relate these patterns to larger historical processes or themes. Students should be able to: Analyze and evaluate historical patterns of continuity and change over time Connect patterns of continuity and change over time to larger historical processes or themes
About the LEQ: Causation 3rd Ability to identify, analyze, and evaluate the relationships among multiple historical causes and effects, distinguishing between those that are long-term and proximate, and among coincidence, causation, and correlation. Students should be able to: Compare cause and/or effect, including between short-term and long-term effects Analyze and evaluate the interaction of multiple causes and/or effects Assess historical contingency by distinguishing among coincidence, causation, and correlation
LEQ Rubric The LEQ is scored out of six points. Thesis (0-1 point) Contextualization (0-1 point) Evidence (0-2) Analysis and reasoning (0-2 points)
LEQ Organization Comparative Paragraph 1: Introduction Historical Context Last sentence: Thesis Paragraph 2: Similarities Topic Sentence FEED: facts, examples (specific), explanation, discussion of significance Paragraph 3: Differences Paragraph 4: Conclusion Expansion of analysis Restatement of thesis
LEQ Organization CCOT Paragraph 1: Introduction Historical Context Last sentence: Thesis Paragraph 2: Changes Topic Sentence FEED: facts, examples (specific), explanation, discussion of significance Paragraph 3: Continuities Paragraph 4: Conclusion Expansion of analysis Restatement of thesis
LEQ Organization Causation Paragraph 1: Introduction Historical Context Last sentence: Thesis Paragraph 2: Major long-term causes & effects Topic Sentence FEED: facts, examples (specific), explanation, discussion of significance Paragraph 3: Major short-term causes and effects Paragraph 4: Conclusion Expansion of analysis Restatement of thesis
LEQ: Introduction Must have an introduction Discuss change over time/prior events/historical context: what happened prior to the prompt? Set the stage – what’s going on? The LAST sentence of the introduction will be the thesis.
LEQ Rubric: Thesis Must include prompt (make a historically defensible claim) Must include place/time as stated in prompt (if given) XYZ Thesis: must include 3 groups (specific, not vague) CCOT: “From (this date) to (that date), (A) showed changes in (X), yet showed consistency in (Y) and (Z).” You may have more changes than continuities…that’s ok! Just reflect that in your thesis. CC: “From (this date) to (that date), (A) and (B) were similar in (X), yet differed in (Y) and (Z). You may have more similarities than differences … that’s ok! Just reflect that in your thesis. Causation: “From (this date) to (that date), the causes for (A) were (X), (Y), and (Z).”
LEQ Rubric: Explain Reasons Throughout your paragraph, you must give analysis, the why of what happened
LEQ Rubric: Specific Evidence Must have a minimum of 10 pieces of evidence in the total paper Include facts (what happened) and specific examples LEQ Rubric: Explain Evidence Must make clear how the evidence proves the topic sentence of the paragraph to be true Explain why the events happened the way they did Discuss the process that led to these facts How was this viewed during the time period? “This is important because…” “This proves that…” “As a result…”
LEQ Conclusion Must have a conclusion Your conclusion should reemphasize and expand your argument: CCOT, CC, or Causation. Use the power of nuance to enhance your argument with notations of more details Note possible counter arguments and refutations to these arguments Restate or rephrase your thesis Include synthesis (make a connection between your argument and something not the focus of the essay)
LEQ Outline & 1st Paragraph Prompt: Using specific evidence, analyze similarities and differences in methods of political control between Han China and Imperial Rome during the Classical Period. You are to construct an outline for this essay and write the first paragraph You will work on this in class on Friday, September 1 and Tuesday, September 5. It is due Wednesday, September 6