MACROS MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS FILE TO WORK Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. Enter names in slideshow mode. MACROS MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS FILE TO WORK In PPT 2002/2003: - Choose Tools | Macro | Security. - On the Security Level tab, click Medium. - Close all open dialog boxes. NOTE: When user opens a file that contains macros, PPT will display a warning dialog box and offer the choice to enable the macros or not. In PPT 2007/2010: - Choose Office Button | PowerPoint Options | Trust Center | Trust Center Settings. - Click Macro Settings. - Click Disable all macros with notification. NOTE: When user opens a file that contains macros, PPT will display a bar beneath the ribbon with the text “Security Warning: Macros have been disabled” and an Options... button. Users should click Options... then click Enable this content to permit macros to run. Scoreboard with 2 to 6 teams/players – Uses: This slide was designed as a player or team scoreboard for use within a classroom setting. Players/teams can be awarded points in increments of 1 or 10. The scoreboard also features a built in player/team selector, which is entirely randomized. Alternatively, this scoreboard can be used to track questions answered or asked by participants during a presentation. To Operate: In Slideshow view, advance a player/team score by one point, by clicking 1X with your mouse on the red arrow to the right of the red center bar. To advance a score by 10 points, click on the light red area between the arrow and the red center bar. To decrease a player/team score by one/ten click on the red arrow or light red area to the left of the center bar. To select a player/team at random, click on the yellow button just below the player/team names. To Clear scores click on the Clear Scores button. IMPORTANT NOTE: MACROS MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS FILE TO WORK. In Edit view, reference macro enabling instructions to the right of this slide. To Edit the scoreboard: In Slideshow view, click on the player/team (#), (3X to highlight entire player/team (#)), and begin entering information. Note: Enter team names prior to presenting. We strongly recommend using this programs navigation feature with this slide, which will enable the presenter to access the slide at any point in their presentation and then easily return to their place within the presentation using the Last Slide Viewed button. Note: “Advance Slide on mouse click” has been turn off to avoid inadvertently advancing to the next slide. To turn it back on go to Slide Transitions and under Advance Slide check “On mouse click”.
MACROS MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS FILE TO WORK Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. Enter names in slideshow mode. MACROS MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS FILE TO WORK In PPT 2002/2003: - Choose Tools | Macro | Security. - On the Security Level tab, click Medium. - Close all open dialog boxes. NOTE: When user opens a file that contains macros, PPT will display a warning dialog box and offer the choice to enable the macros or not. In PPT 2007/2010: - Choose Office Button | PowerPoint Options | Trust Center | Trust Center Settings. - Click Macro Settings. - Click Disable all macros with notification. NOTE: When user opens a file that contains macros, PPT will display a bar beneath the ribbon with the text “Security Warning: Macros have been disabled” and an Options... button. Users should click Options... then click Enable this content to permit macros to run. Scoreboard with up to 32 players – Uses: This slide was designed as a player scoreboard to be used within a classroom setting. Players/teams can be awarded points in increments of 1 or 10 points. The scoreboard also features a built in player/team selector, which is entirely randomized. NOTE: if using the selector with less than 32 participants, delete the player names not in use. Alternatively, this scoreboard can be used to track the number of questions answered or asked during by participants during a presentation. To Operate: In Slideshow view, advance a player/team score by one point by clicking 1X on the red arrow to the right of the red center bar. To advance a score by 10 points, click on the light red area between the arrow and the red center bar. To decrease a player/team score by one/ten click on the red arrow or light red area to the left of the center bar. To select a player/team at random, click on the yellow button just below the red text which reads “Scoreboard”. To Clear scores click on the Clear Scores button. To add default names click on the Default Names buttons (Note: this will write over any previously enter text.) IMPORTANT NOTE: MACROS MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS FILE TO WORK. In Edit view, reference macro enabling instructions to the right of this slide. To Edit: In Slideshow view, click on the Player (#), (3X to highlight entire Player (#)), and begin entering information. Note: Enter player names or assign player numbers prior to presenting. We strongly recommend using this programs navigation feature with this slide, which will enable the presenter to access the slide at any point in their presentation and then easily return to their place within the presentation using the Last Slide Viewed button. Note: “Advance Slide on mouse click” has been turn off to avoid inadvertently advancing to the next slide. To turn it back on go to Slide Transitions and under Advance Slide check “On mouse click”.
Scoreboard Manual Scoreboard. This simple scoreboard can be edited in slideshow mode to change names or scores. The Start/Stop button is a random player selector. Press once to start it and again at a random interval to stop it. Scores and names entered in slideshow mode will be retained in edit mode or if the file is saved.