Tariff and non-tariff barriers- Case of Vietnam Non-tariff barriers (basa catfish case) Initially, basa was accused to abuse trade name of catfish which looks like American channel catfish, although in Website the US FDA accepts to use the catfish for Vietnamese basa products. Later all, the export volume of basa products to US market were gradually increased with a new name basa fish,Mekong basa...
Tariff and non-tariff barriers- Case of Vietnam Tariff barriers: When it was not success, the American Catfish association changes their strategy by accusing Vietnamese producers illegally dump basa products in American markets with punitive tariffs up to 64% and limit import volume (quota) It was explained that Vietnamese economy is not market
Tariff and non-tariff barriers- Case of Vietnam Producers and VASEP explain that Fish costs are as much as 30-50% less than US catfish because lower labor, seed and feed costs. VASEP and producers will continue to fight against the imposition
Tariff and non-tariff barriers- Case of Vietnam Non-tariff barriers (shrimp case) EU in 1999 and US in 2000 issued the laws to ban a total of 16 antibiotic residues in foods (zero tolerance) Although up to date, EU is able to standardize analysis of Chloramphenicol and nitrofurans Standardization of analysis techniques for the other banned antibiotics is under research.
Tariff and non-tariff barriers- Case of Vietnam Non-tariff barriers (shrimp case) Now, EU and US and other markets subject on Chloramphenicol and nitrofuran contamination (LOD as 0.1 ppb for EU market, and 0.3 for US market) in shrimp products from VN and other Asian export countries Recently, besides shrimp, Louisiana mandates to test chloramphenicol for crab and crab meat imported from Vietnam, Thailand, Mexico, Malaysia and others.
Tariff and non-tariff barriers- Case of Vietnam Response of Vietnam. Vietnamese government creates great awareness on reducing use of chemicals especially antibiotics in aquaculture, agriculture by banding the use of 16 antibiotics.
Tariff and non-tariff barriers- Case of Vietnam Response of Vietnam. Vietnamese government provides financial supports for a number of research projects addressing the issues of replace of antibiotics in aquaculture to ensure quality and safety aquatic products
Tariff and non-tariff barriers- Case of Vietnam Response of Vietnam. The research projects for development of appropriate technologies friendly with environmental are also supported MOFI through NAFIQACEN and RIAs implements code of conduct and GAP in selective hatcheries and 12 selective aquaculture sites by controlling chemical residues from input sources: water, feeds, antibiotics...
Tariff and non-tariff barriers- Case of Vietnam Response of Vietnam. NAFIQACEN in one hand collect samples at 343 aquaculture sites and on the other hand recommends to producers to sample for analysis of chemical residues before harvest and certify the food safety for sampled sites
Tariff and non-tariff barriers- Case of Vietnam Response of Vietnam. The government also requests to include consideration on quality and safety products in any research and development project
Tariff and non-tariff barriers- Case of Vietnam Response of Vietnam. Quality control of shrimp brooders and larvae is enforced Establishing a national-wide early waning network for environment and diseases.
Tariff and non-tariff barriers- Case of Vietnam Response of Vietnam. Establishing a new department named as National fishery quality, safety and veterinary administration