SIMILARITIES Purpose: Format: Reader Analysis: Accurate description of a series of steps leading to a specific result Format: ABC format Reader Analysis: Audience’s technical level
SIMILARITIES Graphics: Page Design: Chronology: flow charts, for Process Descriptions various graphics for Instructions Page Design: headings, subdivision information grouped steps (for easy reading) numbered or bulleted lists Chronology: step-by-step arrangement of steps
DIFFERENCES To understand vs. To perform Informative vs. Directive POV Degree of detail Use of graphics Inclusion of warning, cautions, dangers
PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS To understand (a task) Informative, informational Summarize a procedure Used in a larger document
PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS EXAMPLES: To describe an experiment To explain how a machine works To record steps in developing a new product To describe what happened during a field test
PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS READER ANALYSIS: Technical Background? (experts vs. lay persons) Need overview or details? Is the PD a main part of the document? OR in the appendix
PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS READER ANALYSIS: Mixed Technical Backgrounds: Write for the least common denominator Write for the least technical readers Use non-technical language Define technical terms (informally, in parentheses)
PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS ABC Format: ABSTRACT – Purpose Statement Overview place the PD into a context of the entire document Overview or, list of main steps gives a framework for interpreting the forthcoming details List of Equipment materials used in the process
PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS ABC Format: BODY – Chronological Order Paragraphs this gives readers a smooth explanation of the entire process with transitions between sentences Numbered List of Steps this places emphasis on the individual steps with a brief lead-in paragraph
PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS ABC Format: CONCLUSION – Help the reader put the steps together into a coherent whole Show how the process fits into a larger context how & where this fits into other procedures being performed
PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS POV: 3rd person objective, passive voice 1st person subjective “The operator started the engine…” “The engine was started by the operator…” “The concrete was poured into…” “The technician pours the concrete into…” NO “you”
PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS PAGE DESIGN: (Headers) Subdivide information for easy reading as opposed to 1 long list of steps Group steps, categories Use Headers Use Continuous Numbering Use an “Outline” arrangement of points (looks like an Outline)
PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS PAGE DESIGN: (Flow Charts) Include Flow Charts for complex processes With simultaneous steps To show progression To show relationships among steps Geometric shapes boxes, circles, triangles “insert” + “diagram”
INSTRUCTIONS To perform, do (a task) Directive, directional Set of detailed instructions Like training/operating manuals which have instructions + features, parts, troubleshooting
INSTRUCTIONS READER ANALYSIS: Determine Technical Level Appeal to the lowest common denominator Define technical terms or name/explain objects “Define” & “Describe”
PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS ABC Format: ABSTRACT – Purpose Statement Summary of Main Steps List of Equipment materials used in the process perhaps illustrations of equipment/materials Under its OWN heading
PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS ABC Format: ABSTRACT – Bonus Info pointers that will help with installation definitions of terms theory of something works notes, cautions, warnings, dangers that apply to ALL steps
PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS ABC Format: BODY – Numbered List Chronology NO paragraphs Chronology step-by-step instructions 1 action = 1 step only ONE action per step
INSTRUCTIONS ABC Format: BODY – Subheadings: digestible chunks sense of accomplishment grouped related steps
INSTRUCTIONS ABC Format: BODY – Verbs: start each task with a strong action verb “command form” fill, send, show, pick up, attach, connect, … maintain parallel structure
INSTRUCTIONS ABC Format: BODY – POV: Remove “bonus info from steps”: 2nd person “command” POV “you” understood as the subject of the sentence “Plug the phone jack into the recorder unit…” Remove “bonus info from steps”: separate Action from Explanation “note” or “result” or “danger” = indented bullet
INSTRUCTIONS ABC Format: BODY – Emphasis = Bullets or Letters: few items Letters: many items in sequence Use for “options”
INSTRUCTIONS ABC Format: BODY – DANGERS!: CAUTION = possibility of damage to equipment or materials WARNING = possibility of injury to people DANGER = probability of injury or death to people
INSTRUCTIONS ABC Format: BODY – DANGERS!: Where BETWEEN Abstract & Steps * warn before ALL steps BEFORE each particular step * warn before they read a particular step REPEATEDLY throughout the instructions * warn of continuous risk
INSTRUCTIONS ABC Format: BODY – DANGERS!: How Underline, bold, ALLCAPS, italics oversized print, box, color, COMBINATION GRAPHICS: * traditional warning images * “X” out risky behavior * resolve issue: foreign languages
INSTRUCTIONS ABC Format: BODY – Graphics: With EVERY major step – when instructions or equipment is quite complicated when audience = poor readers when readers = in a hurry 1-2 graphics – one good reference illustration to help locate mentioned parts (e.g.) Tables – to show correspondence between related data
INSTRUCTIONS ABC Format: BODY – KISS style: easy to read short sentences (10 words) informal definitions (parenthetical) short words over long words be specific avoid words with multiple interpretations (frequently, seldom, occasionally)
INSTRUCTIONS ABC Format: CONCLUSION – Test Run: “usability laboratory” with test subjects class member, unfamiliar with the process provide her/him with your instructions & materials give no verbal hints (only what’s in writing) observe & revise accordingly LITMUS TEST: Can the reader do it with only your written instructions?
TECHNICAL PROCESSES PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS To understand a process Reader Analysis ABC Paragraphs/lists combination Headings Group related steps under subheadings Objective, 3rd person POV Flow Charts for complex processes INSTRUCTIONS To do, to perform Reader Analysis ABC Numbered lists Chronology Group related steps under subheadings 1 action = 1 step Action verbs 2nd person POV Indent bonus info Emphasize w/bullets & letters Stress cautions, warnings, dangers Use graphics KISS Test your instructions