Made to last forever Matthew 24:30-35 Graeme Sterne 2009
Made to last forever
Four things that will last forever * God / Jesus Heb. 13:8 * God’s Word Matt 24:35 * Love 1 Cor. 13:13 * People John 5:28
This life is preparation for the next
This life is not all there is. Death is not the end of us A time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear His voice and come out John 5:28 Everyone must die once and then be judged by God Heb. 9:27
When we live in the light of eternity… Our values change We use our time wisely We use our money differently We place a higher premium on relationships And character We give a high priority to Body building
Every act of our lives strikes a chord that will vibrate in eternity e Every act of our lives strikes a chord that will vibrate in eternity e.g. Forgive and you will be forgiven Matt 6:14
What is the unspoken metaphor of your life?
A bee?
A castle?
A lantern?
An empty race track?
How do people describe you? Busy? Friendly? Hospitable? Helpful? Thoughtful? Angry? Gracious? Wise? Distant? Kind?
How can I bring glory to God? The chief end of human existence is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever Westminster Shorter Catechism
When we are living for God … everything we do becomes an act of worship. I Corinthians 10:31
Life on this earth is a preparation for the next Tests and trials reveal our character Decisions are windows into our soul Blessings are given to us, not just me. The more God gives us … Life is a temporary assignment We are Christ’s ambassadors We believe there is a life for us beyond this one
So … Have our values changed? Are we using our time wisely? Are we using our money differently? Are we placing a high premium on relationships? And character? Are we giving a high priority to Body building?