Harvard Public Schools 2015 Student Progress K - 12
MCAS Overview Making the News Detailed data Beyond MCAS-Diverse Interests/Balance Future work DESE Decision of MCAS or PARCC 11/17/15
HES Comparison Based on combination of Advanced/Proficient scores for all elementary schools that took MCAS 4th grade Math-4th 5th grade Science-7th
In The News! The Bromfield School was recognized as one of the “top performers among 10th graders” by the Boston Globe, for having the largest share of students in the advanced category. English- ranked 5th in state Science technology/engineering- ranked 5th in state Math- ranked 6th in state
The Bromfield School was a 2015 Gold Medal recipient. Bromfield was ranked 14th in Massachusetts Bromfield was ranked 20th nation wide for STEM
Beyond MCAS Hildreth- Spanish/Health Classes 5th grade: Peer Leaders {8} , Husky Patrol {12} Recycling K-5 {All Students} 5th grade Band {28} Habits of Mind/”Paws”itive Behavior Before/After School Programs (Math Olympiad, Math Club, Robotics and others) Jump Rope for Heart K-5 5th grade Enrichment {approx. 30} Outside of school sports/clubs/travel
Beyond MCAS Bromfield: Diverse interests and balance Very Active Student Council 135 students take Band courses 162 students take Chorus courses 209 MS students take Art 127 HS students take Art 248 students participated in Fall Sports 3 league titles this past Spring (G lacrosse, tennis track)
Beyond MCAS Bromfield 45 students participate on the Bromfield/AB Crew team 77 students participating in the Model UN Program 53 students participating in HS/MS Drama 26 students participating in Bromfield Cares (service organization) 68 students in NHS (service organization) 61 students in V/F Math and Math Olympiad
Beyond MCAS Bromfield 23 students participate in NAHS 20 students participate in the WoD 26 students participate on the Green Team 10 students participate in the GSA 6 students participate on the Strategy Games Club 18 students participate in Youth and Government 12 students participate in Business Professionals of America 18 students participate in Tri-M A variety of other clubs also exist to meet student interests
Student Recognition Elizabeth Haskins Mathematics Competition(4+2) High School Central District (6) Junior High Festival (9) New England Festival (7) Mass All State Music Festival (2) Youth and Government Convention (5) Art (Boston Globe 2 Gold Keys, Silver Key, HM) Model UN
Future Work