Alice Pethick 1st November 2007 Active Learning Alice Pethick 1st November 2007
What is active learning? Opposite of passive learning Learner’s own involvement in the process of gaining, and in the construction of, knowledge Involves new experiences (doing and observing) Involves dialogue (with self and others) Requires interaction with others NOT necessarily ‘physical movement’, but active brain engagement with the issues
A model of active learning
Quick think Talk to your partner: Summarise active learning in no more than 12 words
Examples Individual engagement with material Paired discussion work ‘Quick thinks’ Case studies Card sorts In-trays Working to a brief Design-and-make Role play Simulation Games Investigations Individual engagement with material Paired discussion work Small group interactions Large group exploratory activities
How does learning happen? Learner needs to recognise what has been learned him/herself Reviewing learning is vital The stages of review can be summarised as: facts, feelings, findings, futures (Greenaway Review (or debriefing) should be allocated sufficient time
Why does active citizenship need active learning? Active Citizenship requires: ability to empathise with others’ points of view critical thinking to weigh evidence ability to form considered opinions and communicate them confidence and skills to engage with others to make change