Election of 1960 Irish-American, son of a former senator, war hero, Catholic, Youngest president Won popularity during first ever televised presidential debates Sec. of Defense: Robert McNamara US Attorney Gen: Bobby Kennedy Sec. of State: Dean Rusk New Frontier: Policy name for JFK that aimed at finding national/international issues
International Issues Flexible Response: JFK admin. Developed to keep range of options on international issues Peace Corps: Sent volunteers to work for 2 years in developing countries (1959) Fidel Castro overthrew Cuba’s dictator and established a Communist dictatorship Bay of Pigs: Attempted overthrow of Castro by Cuban rebels with US support that resulted in an absolute disaster This made the US “look like fools to our friends, rascals to our enemies, and incompetents to the rest of the world.”
Cuban Missile Crisis Berlin Wall: (1961-1989) US refused to recognize East Germany so the USSR started to construct a barricade in Berlin between East and West Germany Soviets continued to supply Cuba with both defensive and offensive weapons CIA was observing this buildup and led to JFK calling a naval blockade Khruschev and USSR challenged the blockade but came to agreement with US Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty: USSR, US, and Britain agreed to stop testing nuclear weapons “Hot Line”: Direct communication line between US and USSR
Assassination Nov. 22, 1963 at 12:30 P.M. in Dallas, TX Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested and later shot by Jack Ruby Warren Commission: Led by Chief Justice Earl Warren, committee found in 10 months that the Oswald and Ruby acted alone Conspiracy theorists suspected mob, gov., etc.