Slide #1 Essential Question: What does "human community" mean and why is sustaining it important? Discuss: What is your interpretation of the artwork? How does it relate to the theme "human community"? Read and think about the artist statement. Pull out the arrow for the artist statement. On the board, write the essential question and refer to it though out this lesson. Artist Statement: My inspiration for this work originated from a Chinese traditional folk twister which says, “a pig who wants to pretend to be an elephant puts spring onions in his nostrils to extend the length of his nose.” I drew a cute elephant and a lovely piggy. The elephant is showing his love to this small piggy with a little yellow flower as his gift. The little yellow flower becomes the friendship bridge connecting their hearts and breaking the ice. Without a word, we know each other.
Slide #2 Essential Question: Why must communities work together? 1. Define the word symbiosis in regards to science. 2. Click on the earth icon and read the article Symbiosis: when living together is win-win and discuss why it is important for species to get along for survival. 3. Have students relate symbiosis to the term "human community" as describe in the answers from Slide #1. Finally, discuss the image & artist statement with students. Which item in the artwork reflects symbiosis? community? Also, Read and think about the artist statement. Pull out the arrow for the artist statement. Artist Statement: My drawing shows that although the mammoths died out many years ago, they left an eternal trace in nature. The infant in the hands of a young woman symbolizes new life, and that life is a cycle from birth to death. Nothing disappears in nature. This is a part of embracing our differences.
Slide #3 Essential Question: Do impressions matter? How can impressions affect our "human community?" Define the word "Illustrious" as found in the title of this artwork. Why do you think the artists titled the artwork "Illustrious Mirror"? Discuss the images & quote with students. How are they related? Pull out the red for the artist statement. Discuss with students the myths of a first impression. Click on the chalkboard icon to find a lesson on first impression. Once the lesson has been completed, answer the essential question above. Read and think about the quote and the artist statement. Pull out the arrow for the artist statement.
Slide #4 Essential Questions: Can separate ever be equal? Is your vision of a "human community" seperate or equal? Discuss the images & quote with students. How are they related? Pull out the arrow for the artist statement. Discuss the idea of "separate but equal", a term from Plessy v. Ferguson along with the Brown v Board's integration. Click on chalkboards for lesson plans. Click on the earth for the article Sumter County, Ala., just got its first integrated school. Yes, in 2018. to read and discuss with students. Have students research and make a timeline of the history of segregation and integration in the U.S. Read and think about the quote and the artist statement. Pull out the arrow for the artist statement.
Slide #5 Essential Question: How can technology bring us together? How can it isolate each of us? Can technology survive our definition of in a "human community?" Read and think about the quote and the artist statement. Pull out the arrow for the artist statement. Define the word "Upstander". Compare it with the word "Bystander". Watch Who is an Upstander? from Facing History by clicking on the video icon. Click on the chalkboard for the lesson Where We Stand by Click on the earth icon for an article from Not in Our Town.
Slide #6 Essential Questions: How can a "human community" thrive? When looking at the artwork, what emotions come up in your mind? What is the artist trying to tell the person looking at the artwork? Think about... How can a person's environment affect their emotions? Example: Is your school safe and clean? What are the pros/cons of your answer? Have students list ways they can influence their school, home, community in a positive way. How can their ideas help the "human community" around them? Read and think about the quote and the artist statement. Pull out the arrow for the artist statement. Click on the earth icon for an article: 10 Things Animals Can Teach Us About Being Human Click on the earth icon for link to Southeastern Guide Dogs to read about training a guide dog.
Slide #7 Essential Question: How does overcoming obstacles help better the "human community"? Read and think about the quote and the artist statement. Pull out the arrow for the artist statement. Click on the lesson icon for lessons about students overcoming obstacles. Click on the earth and read the article: How to Help Students Overcome Inner Obstacles. Click on the video icon to watch the Ted-Talk: Overcoming obstacles