CCNIs Web Site Applications Tutorial Research & Marketing May 2007
INDEX Trade lane schedules Suscription by Contact us Cargo Tracking Inlands Tariffs Point to point schedules Vessel Info Demurrage Cost MyCCNI
INDEX Trade lane schedules Suscription by Contact us Cargo Tracking Inlands Tariffs Point to point schedules Vessel Info Demurrage Cost MyCCNI
Trade Lane Schedules
Select Origin and Destination Regions, then press search to find the required information.
Confirmed date appear in orange on the schedule. Information on transhipment ports and dates depends on the diferent origins and destinations.
INDEX Trade lane schedules Suscription by Contact us Cargo Tracking Inlands Tariffs Point to point schedules Vessel Info Demurrage Cost MyCCNI
Click this icon to receive information about schedules via .
In order to register, fill in your personal information.
When the service has been selected, press Accept. Select the service where the information is required.
You have been subscribed succesfully and will receive the information via .
INDEX Trade lane schedules Suscription by Contact us Cargo Tracking Inlands Tariffs Point to point schedules Vessel Info Demurrage Cost MyCCNI
Contact Us if needed.
Fill in your personal information, write your comments, questions and suggestions in the box.
INDEX Trade lane schedules Suscription by Contact us Cargo Tracking Inlands Tariffs Point to point schedules Vessel Info Demurrage Cost MyCCNI
Find information about your cargo.
Enter the number of B/L, Booking or the container number to find cargo tracking details. After entering the information, press Search.
INDEX Trade lane schedules Suscription by Contact us Cargo Tracking Inlands Tariffs Point to point schedules Vessel Info Demurrage Cost MyCCNI
Find information regarding Inland Tariffs.
Select Inland Location and see tariffs of the diferent origin/destination
The tariffs for each container depend on the diferent origin/destination
INDEX Trade lane schedules Suscription by Contact us Cargo Tracking Inlands Tariffs Point to point schedules Vessel Info Demurrage Cost MyCCNI
Find total transit time
Enter origin and destination points, then, press Search
Transit time of each origin/destination and Total transit time Printing options for each Point to Point Schedules search
INDEX Trade lane schedules Suscription by Contact us Cargo Tracking Inlands Tariffs Point to point schedules Vessel Info Demurrage Cost MyCCNI
Find information about our vessels
Select the Vessel from this list, and press Search
General Information regarding the selected Vessel
INDEX Trade lane schedules Suscription by Contact us Cargo Tracking Inlands Tariffs Point to point schedules Vessel Info Demurrage Cost MyCCNI
Demurrage Cost
Select a country and press Search
Demurrage Costs
INDEX Trade lane schedules Suscription by Contact us Cargo Tracking Inlands Tariffs Point to point schedules Vessel Info Demurrage Cost MyCCNI
Register in order to obtain your Login name and Passwod
Register yourself, filling in the boxes with your personal information. After completing the required fields, send your request.
You have been succesfully subscribed. Your account will soon be enabled.
CCNIs Web Site Applications Tutorial Research & Marketing Mayo 2007