Anne MacPherson Director of Human Resources & Organisational Development NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
NHS Scotland HR/Workforce Directors Why are we here? What is important to us? How can we make a difference?
Strategic Priorities National Workforce Plan 1. Championing and supporting transformational service change within Boards and across Boards at regional and national level. National Workforce Plan Sustainability across services Clinical Strategy, HSC Delivery Plan ‘Once for Scotland’ Transformational Change
Purpose Enabling Affordable Sustainable Skilled Adaptable Person Centred Drive, Inform, Shape • Policy • Strategy • Key priorities PATIENTS SERVICE USERS • Scottish Government (Key Partners) NHS Scotland Workforce Strategy 2020-2030 Collegiate Leadership Best Practice Once for Scotland Innovation Quality Improvement Planning Workforce Vision
Strategic Priorities What Next? 2. Leading driving and implementing HR transformational change: initial priorities being eESS and HR Shared Services Programme. Recruitment Employee Services Medical Trainees What Next?
Strategic Priorities Leading workforce sustainability and resilience strategies to enable service sustainability driving the development of an effective National, Regional and local Workforce Plan. • Relationships/Collaboration Stakeholders - HSCP’s - Local Authorities - Workforce - Voluntary Sector - Service Users National Regional Local Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 September 2017/ March 2018 Annual NHS Scotland “Employer of Choice” Analysis Predict Reshape
Strategic Priorities 4. Shaping influencing and developing a modern reward strategy for NHS Scotland, covering pay, terms and conditions and employment policies. • Scottish Government/Employers pay group • Reward strategy • Performance Management approach • Policy review • Public Sector pay policy
Strategic Priorities Shaping, championing and driving innovative approach to leadership, management and workforce development. Succession Appraisal Talent Management Innovation Quality Improvement Competences PDP
Strategic Priorities iMATTER Championing and driving improved staff engagement and staff experiences, linked directly to patient experience and quality data. iMATTER Local & national service improvement QI Patient experience People performance dashboard
Strategic Priorities Driving and supporting a values based culture with particular focus on positive employee relations and partnership. Leaders Employee Relations Culture Staff Governance People