Historical Background And Evolution of the Harmonized System
Overall Goal of this training; To be able to classify all tradable goods using the provisions of the HS Nomenclature
Overall Course objectives To outline the historical background of the HS To identify the structure of the HS To apply the principles of classification-GIRS/Legal notes
lesson objectives To define different terminologies To outline the Background of the HS To identify the uses and users of the HS
DEFINITIONS Nomenclature: A system of naming and categorizing objects in a particular science, discipline or art in a given category
Definition cont..d Tariff means; A system of duties imposed by the government of a country upon goods imported or exported. A customs tariff shows how much duty is payable on imported or exported goods.
Definition cont..d Classification is the act of placing goods into the correct category. Customs Classification refers to a particular category in the Nomenclature in which a product is classified or categorized.
Definitions cont..d International trade; Exchange of goods between two or more countries. The Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) International system for classifying goods for trade purposes
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND The Harmonized System took more than 100 years to be designed. Aim was to facilitate international trade Classification according to their alphabetical order
Historical background cont..d In 1853-1922, an International Statistical Nomenclature (ISN) Approved by an International Convention and signed by 29 countries
Historical background cont..d It consisted of 186 items, arranged in five groups; Live animals Food and beverages Raw and simply prepared materials Manufactured goods Gold and Silver
Historical background cont..d League of Nations Conference 1927 Draft Nomenclature produced 1931(Geneva Nomenclature) The Nomenclature had 991 headings grouped in 86 Chapters
Historical background cont..d The Chapters were arranged into 21 Sections Revised in 1937 Development stopped by war II
Brussels Tariff Nomenclature 1948 - European customs study group continued to work on Geneva nomenclature. 1950- Draft named Brussels Tariff Nomenclature (BTN) 1974- (BTN) renamed ‘The Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature’ (CCCN).
CCCN CCCN had 1241 Headings Grouped into 99 Chapters Arranged in 21 Sections
CCCN CCCN is supported by: I. Explanatory Notes for official interpretation II. Alphabetical index listing III. A compendium of classification opinion
CCCN 1983 CCCN was replaced by the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System. 1988 The Harmonized System entered into force.
Uses of HS A common Nomenclature is used to classify goods in the course of International trade for Customs duties Statistics
Uses of HS cont..d Origin of goods Controlled goods Trade barriers
Advantages of Harmonised System Uniform and Consistent No re-classification Standardised Customs terminology Facilitate statistical analysis
HS Users Governments International Organisations Importers and exporters
Users cont..d Manufacturers Traders Shipping agents Transporters
Users cont..d Port Authorities Statisticians
HS Convention Members of WCO Use HS in the Annex Use HS as basis for Customs Administer HSC
HSC cont..d Settlement for Classification Questions and Dispute Updating HSC came in force 1 January, 1988 5019 HS codes
HS updates 1992 Editorial amendment HS codes 5018 1996 The Second update 393 sets of amendments. 5113 HS codes 2002 The Third update 374 sets of amendments. HS codes 5224
Updates 2007 Fourth update. 354 sets of amendments. 5052 HS codes 2012 Fifth update. 220 sets of amendments. 5212 HS codes.
Conclusion HS is used by Over 200 countries and economic blocks or Customs unions The Harmonised System Convention currently has 141 contracting parties as at 30th March 2012 according to HS WCO official documents.
THE END Thank you