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Presentation transcript:

French Jeopardy

Category CategoryCategoryCategoryCategory

Jai quinze ans. Question: Check Your Answer Category 1 for 1

Quel âge as-tu? Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 1 for 1

Cest le Question: Category 1 for 2 Check Your Answer

Quel est ton numéro de téléphone? Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 1 for 2

Cest Question: Category 1 for 3 Check Your Answer

Quel est ton adresse électronique? Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 1 for 3

Cest le 7 janvier. Question: Category 1 for 4 Check Your Answer

Quelle est ta date danniversaire? Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 1 for 4

Jhabite 55 rue Hollis. Question: Category 1 for 5 Check Your Answer

Quel est ton adresse? Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 1 for 5

Jai les cheveux bruns Question: Category 2 for 1 Check Your Answer

De quelle couleur sont tes cheveux? Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 2 for 1

Jai les yeux bleus Question: Category 2 for 2 Check Your Answer

De quelle couleur sont tes yeux? Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 2 for 2

Non, je ne porte pas de broches Question: Category 2 for 3 Check Your Answer

Est-ce que tu portes des broches? Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 2 for 3

Mes mèches sont bleus Question: Category 2 for 4 Check Your Answer

De quelle couleur sont tes mèches? Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 2 for 4

Je porte UNE boucle doreille Question: Category 2 for 5 Check Your Answer

Combien de boucles doreille portes-tu? Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 2 for 5

Lopposé de extraverti cest introverti. Question: Category 3 for 1 Check Your Answer

Quel est lopposé de extraverti. Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 3 for 1

Cest pessimiste. Question: Category 3 for 2 Check Your Answer

Quel est lopposé de optimiste. Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 3 for 2

Il parle beaucoup. Il est … Question: Category 3 for 3 Check Your Answer

… bavard. Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 3 for 3

Lopposé de Indépendant cest … Question: Category 3 for 4 Check Your Answer

… dépendent. Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 3 for 4

Elle ne change jamais son opinion. Elle est … Question: Category 3 for 5 Check Your Answer

… obstinée. Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 3 for 5

Cest, my aunt, en anglais. Question: Category 4 for 1 Check Your Answer

Quel est ma tante en anglais? Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 4 for 1

Comment dit-on older brother, en français? Question: Category 4 for 2 Check Your Answer

Frère ainé. Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 4 for 2

Ça veut dire, « younger sister» Question: Category 4 for 3 Check Your Answer

Que veut-dire, soeur cadette? Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 4 for 3

Ça veut dire, « mother-in-law ». Question: Category 4 for 4 Check Your Answer

Que veut dire « belle-mère »? Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 4 for 4

Cest demi-frère. Question: Category 4 for 5 Check Your Answer

Comment dit-on « step brother »? Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 4 for 5

Ça veut dire « write 3 sentences » Question: Category 5 for 1 Check Your Answer

Que veut dire, « écrivez 3 phrases » Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 5 for 1

Que veut dire, « read »? Question: Category 5 for 2 Check Your Answer

Ça veut dire « lisez » Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 5 for 2

Comment dit-on, « go to page 13 » Question: Category 5 for 3 Check Your Answer

« Allez à la page treize » Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 5 for 3

Comment dit on, « great grandmother » Question: Category 5 for 4 Check Your Answer

« arrière- grand-mère » Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 5 for 4

Comment épèle-ton le nom de ton prof? Question: Category 5 for 5 Check Your Answer

C-o-m-e-a-u Answer: Back to the Game Board Category 5 for 5