BSNL Submitted By:- Shubham Ram Yugantar Sharma Akshay Sharma Shweta Singh Sukriti Surawdhaniwar OVERVIEW OF THE TELECOM SCENARIO IN INDIA
BSNL Overview of Indian Economy Telecom Market in India Telecom Tariff & Revenues Opportunities & New revenue streams Value Added Services & Future Technologies
BSNL Internet & Broadband services Telecom Growth Challenges Conclusion
BSNL INDIAN ECONOMY- OVERVIEW GDP 6.4% p.a. Second largest emerging economy in the world. Industry growth at 8.5% & Services Sector growth at 10.8%. Service Sector contributing 68.6% to GDP.
BSNL INDIAN TELECOM MARKET Approx Million Telephone Customers (Till May 2012) Fixed lines customers – million (Till May 2012) Mobile Phone subscribers – million (Till May 2012) Teledensity – 79.28% (Till May 2012) Second Largest Mobile Country.
BSNL Fastest Growing Telecom Nation in the world – 8-9 million connections per month. Compounded customer growth of around 53.64% p.a. for last 5 years. Rising Mobility, Declining fixed line. VAS emerging as major Revenue Earner. Growing Popularity of Internet & Broadband Approx. 137 million Internet Users Approx million Broadband Customers
BSNL Telecom Circle WirelineWireless Teledensity A.P Assam Bihar Delhi Gujrat Haryana H.P J & K M.P. & C.G Maharashtra
INDIAN TELECOM MARKET Size & Opportunities Updated upto Population - Approx. 1.2 Billion Teledensity Overall % Internet -10.2% Broadband-1.18% Expected Base by 2010: Telephone Connections Million Broadband Connections - 20 Million Annual Revenue - $33 Billion
Pie Chart showing Wireless Market in India by different Providers
BSNL There are 23 Licensed Service Areas. 12 Service Providers are providing phone services in these areas. Two Public Sector Operators are MTNL and BSNL. MTNL providing service in Delhi + Mumbai only. BSNL providing service in 21 out of 23 LSAs excluding Delhi and Mumbai. There are six major Telecom players i.e. BSNL, Airtel, Reliance, Vodaphone, Tata Tele & Idea. TELECOM SERVICE PROVIDERS
BSNL USD [Tariff per minute]
BSNL Telecom Tariffs have fallen to very low level during past five years. Public Sector has played crucial role in bringing down mobile tariff. Local call tariff from mobile calls has seen steady decline from Rs per minute to Rs. 1.3 paise/2 secs. Despite low tariffs, most of the telecom sector has shown negative financial result. Gross revenues for the sector have grown at compound annual rate of about 21% and stands at US $26 Billion – 34% contribution of Public Sector and 66% of Private Sector.
BSNL Value added services like M-Commerce, M-Marketing, Special Information, Ring tones, etc. offer venues of additional revenue. Annual Revenue US $ 1.2 billion (approx.) VAS contributes 10 – 14% of total telecom revenue [source Voice-Data]. Non-voice revenue increasing. Present contribution > 30% through SMS (P to P). Revenue from other value added services growing [IVR, PRBT, Games, Data].
BSNL Network expansion 250 million by million by 2013 Rural connectivity 100 million by million by 2013 Urban Connectivity 250 million by million by 2013 Telecom Growth- the way ahead
BSNL Mobile Number Portability to change Market Dynamics & ensure improved standards of service. With launch of VOIP telephony, Long Distance call charges slated to fall further. IPTV & DTH are providing digital experience to users. High Growth in Mobile, Internet & Broadband foreseen till CONCLUSION