1 Colonel Ted Hodgson U.S. Central Command Logistics Directorate UNCLASSIFIED New SILK ROAD for Afghanistan and the Region
2 USCENTCOMS INTENT USCENTCOM SUPPORTS the New Silk Road (NSR) INITIATIVE BECAUSE: NSR development potentially makes Afghanistan and every country in the region economically stronger. NSR development potentially makes Central & South Asia the trade and transportation link between Europe & Asia. NSR development enables U.S. & NATO transition in Afghanistan and the region from military to economic. Helps to move Afghanistan from Aid to Trade NOTES: USCENTCOM'S PRIMARY FOCUS IS SUPPORTING AND ASSISTING THE DEVELOPMENT AND/OR IMPROVEMENT OF: Regional transportation infrastructure Trade & transit practices and processes (customs, tariffs, etc.)
3 UNCLASSIFIED The New Silk Road (NSR): A Regional Approach To Afghanistan Long-Term Stability Improved trade & transit holds potential to revitalize Afghanistan and the region Ideally situated geographically to connect Europe, Mideast & Asia Trade & transportation services provide economic growth & stability Afghanistan is the focal point; goal is improved transportation infrastructure & trade development which supports economic development Concurrently assists regional development of transportation infrastructure, trade & transit processes (customs, tariffs, border procedures) NSR concept in development for years; now gaining traction Department of State leading the U.S. effort United Nations and European Support USCENTCOM Theater Strategy for a prosperous & stable region Afghan policy: The Asian Roundabout; Trade, Public Works Ministers
4 UNCLASSIFIED Why USCENTCOM Involvement Afghan transportation infrastructure & trade development is inadequate (or non-existent) to support economic development 2014 International Security Assistance Force mission transition Requires a coordinated and synchronized effort Northern Distribution Network lesson: USCENTCOM can be the catalyst for transportation & trade development USCENTCOM established a Afghanistan Future Interagency Working Group in March 2010 USCENTCOM and Department of Defense subject matter experts, other U.S. Government agencies, academicians, international organizations, and non-governmental organization participants Intent: incubate and assist New Silk Road strategy development and implementation, linking the disparate development projects into one plan Supports Department of State led engagement with Afghan government
5 The New Silk Road Efforts USCENTCOMs Director of Logistics leads rail development, surface tender programs, local procurement, and other transportation initiatives USCENTCOM supports development by Coordinated & sponsored Afghan Trucking Network Developed & coordinated USCENTCOM Surface Tender Program Afghanistan First Program and Central Asian States Local Procurement Activities Coordinating and assisting Afghan government with Rail development Assisting Afghan government with developing Strategic Rail Plan Using the Northern Distribution Network (NDN) one piece at a time model Hairatan to Mazar-e-Sharif rail extension was first piece Others include regional infrastructure, trade & tariff policies, and market development Key element is strategic value of financial potential of Afghan mineral development and development of Afghan international trucking UNCLASSIFIED
6 The Strategic Value of Trade & Transit Trade & transit development is an economic enabler, building free & stable countries Improves employment rate Raises quality of life through increased economic activity Can potentially improve regional governments cooperation with each other Enables export of Afghan goods Reduces need for foreign aid Can reduce insurgent problems Truck transportation will have immediate impact on Afghan economy. Together rail and truck transportation will benefit long term economic development in Afghanistan and the region Public Private Partnership is the key enabler to supporting this transportation network
7 Take-Aways USCENTCOM activities support NSR development: – Route and regional transportation network security – Afghanistan First Program – Central Asian States Local Procurement activities – Expanded transit along the Northern Distribution Network – Improving customs & border crossing processes with regional partners – Afghan Trucking Network – Surface Tender program – Anti-pilferage container and trucking technologies Thank you for your time and support for the New Silk Road!