Chapter 13
2 out of 3 Americans still lived within 50 miles of the Atlantic Coast. Only 1 in 10 lived west of the Appalachian Mountains.
The Yankees of the Northeast were seen as enterprising, thrifty, and quick to chase a dollar. Rich Plantation owners of the South were seen as gracious, cultured, and lazy Frontiersmen were deemed rugged and crude, rough necks.
Travel was slow and difficult News could take weeks to travel Roads were rutted and muddy
Rebuilding the white house, architects studied European/Greek buildings. Uncle Sam Sam Wilson a butcher will feed the army during the War of More than likely the initials would match U.S.
The view that Americans are the best, excluding slaves, Native Americans, and women. The American spirit is seen in art, music, and literature of this time period.
The Good Will Tour- a new period of unity. The Federal government would take a more active role in the national economy. And Constructing Better ROADS
Congressman from Kentucky Longed to be president, tried 5 times, but never succeeded. Capitalism-economic system based on private ownership of farms and businesses
High tariffs to protect industries. Federal spending on transportation projects like roads and canals. A NEW 2 nd National Bank of the United States.
Supported Clays ideas for a new national bank, high tariffs, and a better road system. He hated the idea of STRONG federal power. Calhoun would be a leading spokesman for states rights and to protect slavery in the south.
Bitterly opposed the War of 1812 He strongly debated Calhouns ideas for states rights and that states had the right to defy (nullify) the federal government.
Answer the following questions on your half sheet of paper!!!
Get away from issues with Europe- GO BACK TO ISOLATIONISM. Need to focus on whats going on in the backyard from Mexico to the tip of South America Colonial peoples were rising up in revolt against Spain
Revolt against Spanish ruler, inspired by HILDAGO. Mexico finally won independence from Spain in 1821
Now Latin America is open to foreign trade. Before Spain would not let anyone trade with its colonies. Some countries are upset, some even talked about helping Spain recover its lost colonies.
Monroe will turn to former presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison for advice. Should the United States do something to support the new Latin American nations? If so WHAT?
A message is sent: The nations of North and South America were not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers
Told the World that the United States was no longer a weak collection of quarreling states. The U.S. is strong and confident to be respected by the world.