Purpose: To explain the importance and timeframes for the SHPE to make sure that any medical conditions developed during service requiring ongoing care are identified and documented in the members Service Treatment Record (STR)
Applicability: All members of the Navy preparing for release from active duty must complete a comprehensive SHPE prior to their scheduled date of release. This also applies to RC members in an active duty status for 180 days or more, RC members separating after 180 days or more of continuous service on active duty orders, or RC members separating with 30 days or more of continuous service on active duty orders in support of a Contingency Operation.
Requirements: Service Members will not require a SHPE if they are separating or retiring after being found unfit for continued military service through the disability evaluation process and have completed the examinations in that process. Any examination completed by the following means and within the required time period is sufficient: completion of DD Form 2807-1 and DD Form 2808, a termination audiogram completed within the previous 6 months on DD Form 2216, laboratory testing, occupational health termination examinations, or other examinations performed for any other reason that meets the components of the SHPE is sufficient. When a medical assessment is used to update a previous medical history and physical examination completed on DD Form 2807-1 and DD Form 2808 or electronic medical record equivalent, and a condition not previously documented is discovered, the credentialed examining provider will evaluate the complaint objectively within the scope of a screening physical examination. Any serious, potentially unfitting condition found requires a new SHPE to be completed and referral for further evaluation and treatment of the new condition, as may be clinically indicated.
Components of SHPE: Prior to separation, each Service Member must receive a SHPE as documented on DD Form 2807-1 and DD Form 2808. DD Form 2807-1, completed by Service Member, with comments on all positive responses completed by the credentialed provider performing the SHPE. DD Form 2808, completed by a credentialed provider and a review of medical record (hard-copy and electronic) and record of significant medical conditions.
Timing of SHPE: A SHPE performed up to 30 days prior to the date of separation from active duty requires no further documentation. A SHPE performed up to 90 days prior to the date of separation from active duty must be validated as current not more than 30 days prior to the date of separation. When a Service Member has terminal leave, the final out-processing date may be used in lieu of date of separation from active duty for timeline requirements.
Resources: DOD INSTRUCTION 6040.46 NAVADMIN 187/16 Tricare Patient Portal