Textbook pages 566-567 What action taken by Japan in 1931 would have far-reaching global consequences? What 1938 meeting between two leaders failed to forestall World War II? What 1939 action began World War II? What was the political system of the allied countries? Czechoslovakia was one of the first countries to become dominated by Germany. Looking at the map, give two reasons for this.
The Road to War World War II
The Depression Goes Global The collapse of the American economy sent shock waves around the world The US raised tariffs to make Americans buy American products (backfired) Other nations raised their tariffs and world trade dropped by 65% US bankers demanded repayment of overseas loans and investors withdrew their money from the European market
Austria’s largest bank failed and caused a panic throughout Europe The Japanese economy slumped Latin America hit hard as US market for products dried up The worldwide crisis spread rapidly
Millions of people lost faith in democratic governments and led to the rise of fascism and many countries were falling to dictators By mid-1930s powerful nations fell into two categories—democratic and totalitarian Fascist leaders willing to use aggressive military action drifted the world toward war
Causes of the War World War I Depression/Inflation Imperialism Rise of Dictators Appeasement Isolationism Treaty of Versailles 1919
‘ISM’s of WWII Totalitarianism Nationalism Imperialism Isolationism— United States Militarism— Japan Communism— U.S.S.R Fascism--- Italy Nazism— Germany
Activity: Rise of the Dictators handout Read pages in chapter 17 complete the information about the various dictators.