Efficient Energy Management
2 Electricity Prices for Industry Prices in US $/kWh in 4Q2004 France Germany0.100 Hungary0.080 Italy0.135 UK0.106 US0.050 Poland0.073
3 Electricity Prices for Households Prices in US $/kWh in 4Q2004 France Germany0.205 Hungary0.130 Italy0.229 UK0.145 US0.089 Poland0.098
4 Energy Price Increases in Poland From year 2000 to 1Q2005 Oil17.8% Electricity31.1% Natural Gas27.7% Coal22.0%
5 Attitude of Europeans Towards the Environment The state of the environment (72%) influences the quality of life as much as social factors (72%), economic factors are perceived as slightly more important (78%)
6 Trias Energetica
7 Energy Costs in Office Buildings In a typical 40,000 sqm building % out of Opex45-50 % out of tot. costs out of which - Electricity 70% Heating30% out of which - A/C costs 45%
8 Electricity Management in Office Buildings - Currently The bill for electricity is given as a whole No energy balance Tenants billing is based on human reading of meters Tenants are not charged with common consumption such as air- conditioning on a measured basis Tenants complain because of cross- subsidizing Meters are of low accuracy level
9 Electricity Management in Office Buildings – Currently (cont. ) The billing, charging and collection process is time consuming and therefore costly No flexibility in time-of-use tariffs No tracking of historical data No control over the meters of utility company Results in non-efficient energy management
10 The Solution in Office Buildings
11 Purchasing Electricity Effectively Taking advantage of the liberalization in the energy market and purchasing electricity at lower tariffs. Most effective way to reduce tariffs is by relating purchases to historical measurements of power demand all year around.
12 The Lighting Energy Controller ( LEC ) ensures about 25% of saving in electricity consumption for lighting. ROI in up to 2 years Light Energy Saving
13 LEC Voltage Control
14 Lamps Lifetime H.P.S lifetime bulbs VS voltage Lamps still working Working hour(x1,000)
15 Lamps Intensity Luminous flux VS life time on H.P.S lamps Flux % Working hours (x1,000) Although the initial luminous flux is reduced by up to 10% the trade-off is a longer lifetime and improved luminous flux in the long run.
16 Cooling and A/C Energy Saving Energy savings of 15-30% due to improved efficiency of the process The solution is based on 20 individual patents More than 20,000 worldwide installations ROI of up to 2,5 years
17 The Installation
18 Benefits Only Reduction of pressure by PSI Longer system lifetime Humidity reduction Improved conditions of heat exchanger 15-30% lower energy consumption
19 Our Offering Improving the efficiency of energy management: By an advanced Automatic Metering Systems By outsourcing & automating the process with tenants Purchasing electricity at better prices Introducing energy saving technologies for lighting and A/C systems Financing: Internal External Consulting services on energy saving
20 Some of Our Energy Saving Customers Millennium Plaza Leroy Merlin Geant – hypermarkets Volkswagen Polska McDonalds Polska BP Polska Skanska Property Poland Servisco/DHL Zakład Energetyczny Torun S.A company British American Tobacco BERTI - supermarkets