Priority Environmental Investment Programme (PEIP) – CARDS Regional Regional Meeting for Senior Officials from SEE and Donors Community 28th November 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Priority Environmental Investment Programme (PEIP) – CARDS Regional Regional Meeting for Senior Officials from SEE and Donors Community 28th November 2008 Brussels PEIP Work Plan 2009 Ruslan Zhechkov, Senior Expert Environmental Financing

Work Plan 2009 Regional PEIP meeting in SEE – 2 nd half June 09 Finalizing the 2 manuals; Draft a final publication on environmental financing in SEE; Conduct 2 national workshops in BiH and Kosovo (1244) Update project lists and analytical reports in spring of 2009 Conduct a final regional meeting in SEE in June 2009

Water Utility Reform Manual English draft was available for country consultation until today; Feedback from EC is expected; Exploring possibilities for translation into national languages; Assistance will be needed from countries for dissemination to final beneficiaries: municipalities and utilities Based on the assumption that stronger utilities are key to faster and better investments Tailored to the countries Focuses on: institutional reform (corporatization, PSP); organizational reform (strategic planning, HR management, regionalization, metering, benchmarking); tariff reform and improved revenue generation.

Speeding Up Investments in Waste Management Financial challenges for reaching compliance with EC waste directives: funding the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management system closing the old landfills investing into new landfill infrastructure Institutional Reform: economies of scale through regionalization; private sector participation Organizational reforms for more efficient operations strategic planning benchmarking Outsourcing Tariff reforms and imporved revenue generation Tariff Design principles Types of tariffs and tariff design Setting tariffs Tariff implementation Accepting tariff increase