Welcome to 6B ELA Mrs. Mould
Dean dress code check Every morning during 1st period your dean, Mr. Upton, will come in and check for dress code. When he enters the classroom, please stand up at your desk and do you best to continue with class.
Arrival Procedures When you enter the classroom, please go to the section where your notebook is located. Grab your belongings and go straight to your assigned numbered seat. Please use this time to sharpen your pencil as well. If you have your backpack, it needs to go underneath the computer table. Your PED should be stored in your backpack unless otherwise directed by Mrs. Mould
Cafeteria Procedures First thing, YOU MUST KNOW YOUR LUNCH NUMBER!!! If you do not, see me before you leave. 6th grade will have lunch and R&E during 4th period this year. Here is how it will work until after Labor Day: For 6B (Honorus House), when the bell rings for 4th period, you will stay in your 3rd period classroom. You will go to lunch at 11:01am. Then you will come back to your 3rd period classroom.
Locker Procedures 6th grade, we will keep you informed. Procedures need to be developed to create your locker access schedule since you have Explore classes 1st period. You have 4 minutes in between classes, this is plenty of time to get your belongings out of your locker and move on to the next class. :)
R&E Procedures We touched on how R&E/Lunch will work before Labor Day. Does anyone have any questions over that part?? R&E after Labor Day: When 3rd period ends, if you are pulled for R&E (4th period), you will report to that teacher's classroom. You will stay in there until 11:01am. Once R&E is over, you will report to lunch and stay in lunch until you are dismissed to your 5th period. If you are NOT pulled for R&E, once 3rd period ends you will go directly to 4th period where you will stay until 11:01am. Once 4th/R&E is over, you will have the choice of going to either intramurals (gym), study hall in the auditorium, or to the library. I will discuss the activities in the library at a later date.
I will provide 2 textbooks as needed. Supply List For my ELA class - 1" 3-ring binder Notebook paper Pencil/zipper pouch Notebook dividers Pencils/pencil sharpener to be stored in the zipper pouch I will provide 2 textbooks as needed.
Any questions over anything we have covered?