Executive Office of the President (EOP)
The EOP is made up of people the President chooses to help make foreign and domestic policy.
The main job of the EOP is to advise the President on important matters relating to his many presidential roles.
EOP White House Staff Chief of Staff Press secretaries Legal experts Speech writers Researchers ***Members of the White House Staff are hired by the President and do not need Senate approval.
EOP Special Advisory Groups Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Helps president prepare budget National Security Council (NSC) Helps in matters concerning national security
Executive Departments
Department of Justice INS FBI FBP
Department of Treasury IRS
Department of Health and Human Services FDA
Executive Departments Department of Housing and Urban Development Department of Transportation Department of Energy Department of Education Department of Veteran’s Affairs Department of Homeland Security Department of State Department of Treasury Department of Defense Department of Interior Department of Justice Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of Labor Department of Health and Human Services
Independent Agencies (65)
These agencies were created by Congress to perform a specific job.
These agencies are separate from the executive departments.
They are separate because they often do not fit into any particular department, or they may serve all departments.
Independent Agencies Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Gathers political and military information on foreign nations Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Helps protect the environment
Regulatory Commissions (12)
The main job of regulatory commissions is to protect the public by supervising the actions of businesses and industries.
Regulatory commissions have the power to make rules and bring violators to court.
The heads of regulatory commissions are appointed by the President with the approval of the Senate.
Regulatory Commissions Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Makes rules for radio and television stations Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Protects consumers from unfair or misleading business practices Federal Reserve System Established general monetary policies