Learn the Most Used Word Roots Top Twenty Word Roots Learn the Most Used Word Roots
What are word roots? Word roots are core words with meaning. Many academic word roots in English are of Latin and Greek. The top twenty word roots are used in thousands of words. The top twenty word roots open thousands of word meanings. Is the word “work” always a noun?
Why Learn Word Roots? The top twenty English word roots represent 80% of the most used academic words. Learning the top twenty roots can improve student reading skills. Don’t feel like a dummy; learn the top word roots.
Top Five Word Roots Anthropo = man : anthropology Bio = life : biology Cardio = heart : cardiac Cede = go : precede Demos = people : democracy Are biology and nature the same?
Can you use the word roots? Use biology, success, cardiology, democracy, and anthropology. The study of people is called __. The study of life is called __. The study of the heart is called __. To do well is to have __. Is China communist or a __? Who really has the power in the USA— government or corporations?
Does the coyote get hurt Next Top Word Roots 6. Dyna = power : dynamic, dynamite 7. Geo = earth : geology, geographic 8. Hydro = water : hydroelectric, hydrolyzed 9. Ject = throw : eject, reject 10. Magni = great: magnify, magnificent Does the coyote get hurt with the dynamite?
Can you use the word roots? Use dynamic, reject, hydrant, geology, and magnify. A powerful person is also __. To throw something out is to __ it. To make something larger is to __ it. The study of earth is called __. A source of water is a __. What did the man magnify?
Five More Top Word Roots 11. Manu = hand : manuscript, manual 12. Mono = one : monologue, monorail 13. Ortho = straight : orthodox, orthopedic 14. Ped = foot : pedestrian, pedestal 15. Psycho = mind : psychology, psychologist Do judges accept psychological reasons for driving too fast?
Can you use the word roots? Use monograph, manual, orthodox, pedestal, and psychology. Where is the driver’s __? Who is standing on the __? Which church is __? Which one wrote the __? Who is learning __? Do sociologists watch what other people do?
Can you use the word roots? 16. Pyro = fire : pyromaniac, pyre 17. Script = write : manuscript, script 18. Terra = earth : extraterrestrial 19. Thermo = heat : thermal 20. Zoo = animal : zoology, zodiac Can zoo monkeys drive escape vans?
Can you use the word roots? Use pyre, script, ET, thermal, zodiac. Can you write __? Do you believe in __? How is the __ temperature? Are there animals in the __? Is it a fire or a __? Can the boy really control the fire?
Learn these academic words. Use regulation, aspect, institute, resident, and legislation. The __ of a place live there. To __ something is to begin it. An __ of learning is memorization. Rules and __ must be followed. The making of laws is called __. Have you learned these words yet?