Who Da Man?? Practice #1-10 100 people in 100 days #1-10
Fought in the French & Indian War Commander of the Continental Army 1st President of the US
Mississippi Congressman President of the Confederate States during the Civil War
Former slave Fought for abolition and women’s suffrage Famous speech – “Ain’t I a Woman?”
Shoshone Indian Served as a guide and interpreter for the Lewis & Clark expedition
Explored Louisiana Purchase with Meriwether Lewis Brother of George Rogers Clark
Editor & writer Wrote pamphlet called “Common Sense” Served in the Continental Army
Sailed to America in 1492 Made 4 voyages to America for Spain
Served as Secretary of Education Presided over the establishment of the first public school Father of American Education
Helped save Jamestown Brought tobacco to America Married Pocahontas
Slave who unsuccessfully sued for his freedom in 1856 Result - slaves are not citizens, but property, therefore could not sue