Mark van de Sanden SURFsara EUDAT CDI Technical Coordinator.


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Presentation transcript:

Mark van de Sanden SURFsara EUDAT CDI Technical Coordinator

Slides: Thomas Skordas, Director, DG Connect, European Commission – presented at DI4R 2017, Brussels

Research versus Scholarly Communication

8 7 1 6 2 5 4 3 Set up Publish + Share Post Analysis Plan (DMP) How, what, when, where? Open Peer Review? How to enhance Impact? Set up Publish + Share Extract more knowledge OpenAIRE EUDAT DOAJ Re3Data Fast network GEANT Single sign on EduGain Person identification ORCID, socIds 8 OpenAIRE Post Analysis Who works on similar topics? Who can I collaborate with? 7 OpenAIRE OpenMinTeD ELIXIR EGI RIs Plan (DMP) What data created? How shared with colleagues? What policies for use and re-use? Where to run? What facilities? How to prepare and transfer? OpenAIRE EUDAT DCC 1 Produce Results Find Data, Services, Protocols 6 2 How described? Where stored? Temporary? How made accessible? What policies? How preserved? RIs Tools used? Big data? Software? Create Workflow EGI PRACE EIRO Established data? Services? Protocols? Process + Analyze Store + Curate 5 RIs EUDAT OpenAIRE INRA, FAO, EFSA, … 4 3 RIs EUDAT RIs

Focus collaboration Explore synergies between EOSC-hub and OpenAIRE Enlarge support for publishing research products on their own beyond the scientific article (research data, research software, experiments, research objects, etc.) in a FAIR way so as to Foster and facilitate sharing and reuse of all products of science Support reproducibility and evaluation of the scientific process Enable fully-fledged scientific reward mechanisms Enlarge the interoperability by Adopting common guidelines and APIs Integrating services To lower the barriers, to make research products more findable and accessible to enlarge the usage and re-usage with a higher scientific impact

Areas of collaboration Governance and sustainability Outreach, Support and Training Services: integrated service provision Identify low hanging fruit for fast results Plan for first half of the projects and realign Caution to resource re-allocation 3 task forces formed to identify gaps and overlaps, and to develop synergies towards a concrete collaboration agreement (deadline: March 2018)

EOSC Service Integration

Beneficiary Stakeholders Citizens Researchers Data Stewards Funders Organizations Towards an Open Science-oriented Scientific Impact in EOSC Facilitating publishing and exchanging scientific products in EOSC JA3 JA2 Scholarly communication services and Research Infrastructures Facilitating interoperability across EOSC services in favour of Open Science Enabling services to support EOSC services JA1 JA4 Service providers SMEs Content providers

Planning Aug-Nov 3 task forces formed Governance and sustainability Outreach, Support, Training and Communications Integrated service provision Analysis for each area of: common stakeholders, opportunities for collaboration, gaps and overlaps Dec First draft of joint work plan (joint activities of complementary grants, outputs and timeline) Jan Revision and update of draft joint work plan with project consortia Preparation of Collaboration Agreement articles Feb Collaboration Agreement first draft for internal/external revision March Signing Collaboration Agreement

Mark van de Sanden