Power, Authority and Legitimacy JYOTI Assistant Professor Department of Political Science PGGC-11 Chandigarh
Power Characterstics Power is the capacity to influence others. Power is relational Power is situational Power depends on its use Power is backed by sanctions The aim of power is not always clear It is different to identity power wielders
Sources Self-knowledge Organization Resources Skill Mass media Personality Belief Authority
Methods of Exercising power Dominance Manipulation Persuation Rewards Punishment Use of force
Different forms Economic power Political power Ideological power National power
Criticism of Power Concept Power is not the end, but means The concept of Power ignores the importance of values in Politics Criticism by marxists
Authority Characterstics Capacity to command Acceptance Legitimacy Organization Hierarchy Rationality Accountability Authority is formal and definite Minimum use of coercion
Kinds Traditional Authority Rational-Legal Authority Charismatic Authority Religious Authority Political Authority
Basis of Authority Force Religion Divine Rights Ancestral Lineage Public Consent Legitimacy Constitution
Difference between Power and Authority Power can be legitimate or illegal but Authority is always legitimate Power is based on force but Authority is based on consent Power is the capacity to influence others whereas Authority is legal right to command sub- ordinates. Authority is rational while Power can be irrational Authority is accountable but Power can be unaccountable Authority is exercised for common objectives,Power is used for particular objectives.
Legitimacy Basis of Legitimacy: Security Established Beliefs Traditional Structures and Norms Ideology Spirit of Nationalism
Kinds Ideological Legitimacy Structural Legitimacy Personal Legitimacy
Methods to Maintain Legitimacy Respect for Traditions and Customs Changes according to the new situations Legal Provisions Charismatic Leadership Fulfilment of People’s hopes and aspirations Periodic Elections Participants of Political Culture