Renée E. Jackson Superintendent Local District G September, 2001 Stanford 9 Comparisons Renée E. Jackson Superintendent Local District G September, 2001
Stanford 9 Comparisons First group of charts compare mean percentile scores between California, LAUSD, and Local G students. Second group of charts compare ethnic results between all students in LAUSD and Local G’s African American and Hispanic/Latino students. Third group of charts compare the two-year (99-00 and 00-01) ethnic results of all Local G students and its African American and Hispanic/Latino students.
Scores include Spring, 2001 Results for: Reading Mathematics Language Spelling (2-8) Science (9 -11) Social Studies (9 -11)
Spelling (2-8)
Science (9 -11)
Social Science (9 -11)
Scores include Spring, 2001 Results for: Ethnic Comparison Reading (2-11) Mathematics (2-11) Language (2-11) Spelling (2 - 8) Science (9 -11) Social Science (9 -11)
Reading (2-11)
Mathematics (2-11)
Language (2-11)
Spelling (2-8)
Science (9-11)
Social Science (9-11)
Stanford 9 Two-Year History Spring, 1999 - Spring 2001 Ethnic Reading (2-5) Reading (6-8) Reading (9-11) Mathematics (2-5) Mathematics (6-8) Mathematics (9-11) Ethnic Language (2-5) Language (6-8) Language (9-11) Spelling (2-5) Spelling (6-8) Science (9-11) Social Science (9-11)
Reading (2-5)
Reading (6-8)
Reading (9-11)
Math (2-5)
Math (6-8)
Math (9-11)
Language (2-5)
Language (6-8)
Language (9-11)
Spelling (2-5)
Spelling (6-8)
Science (9-11)
Social Science (9-11)
Template for Trend Analysis
Local G Educational Research Analyst Data and Charts created by Kim Burley Local G Educational Research Analyst