Honors American Literature Vocabulary #7 Honors American Literature
Clemency (n.) Mercy
Decry (v.) To criticize openly
Eschew (v.) To shun, avoid
Extant (adj.) Existing, not destroyed or lost
Fecund (adj.) Fruitful, fertile
Harangue (n.) Ranting speech
Impudent (adj.) Casually rude, insolent, impertinent
Inimical (adj.) hostile
Laconic (adj.) Terse in speech
morass (n.) A wet swampy bog; figuratively- something that traps and confuses
Obdurate (adj.) Unyielding to persuasion or moral influences
Paucity (adj.) Small in quantity
Pithy (adj.) Concisely meaningful
Rancor (n.) Deep, bitter resentment
Rife (adj.) abundant
Sacrosanct (adj.) Holy, something that should not be criticized
Solipsistic (adj.) Believing that your own existence is the only thing that is real or that can be known
Surmise (v.) To infer with little evidence
Tacit ( adj.) Expressed without words
Variegated (adj.) Diversified