Creating Data Tables
Homework review… Which five loose bird foods have you shortlisted? Which other foods have you rejected? Why? In this lesson you will be preparing a data table to record the sources and details of your ‘best buys’.
In this lesson students are learning about: design a data table analyse a given spreadsheet
At the end of this lesson students will be able to: create a data table and enter data into it identify how to develop a given Spreadsheet
‘Sources – Data’ the Brief stated that ‘Bags-4’ had prepared a basic spreadsheet which they need to develop.. Look at it NOW! It is called…. SB2 L4 Bags-4-Birds blank.xls Look at the Sources data tab
Looking at the sources-Data tab In section 4 of Bags-4 staff they suggest four fields but have not named them. What could they be? Look at the “Model blank tabs for a clue…
Suggestions? Food item, Unit cost, Unit weight/number
Testing the draft table Task THe Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is a reputable potential supplier of bird foods. In pairs or small groups, take 5 minutes to (1) explore how the RSPB sells peanuts and one other bird food, and (2) test your draft table by entering relevant details into it for peanuts and one other bird food.
Task 10 minutes Enter details from the homework you did in the previous lesson Search the Internet for potential suppliers and enter their details, indicating which ones they select and reject enter meaningful names for fields and enter some records save your Spreadsheet under a meaningful name and in an appropriate location (folder).
Now close your Spreadsheets… As a class we will look at ‘Model blank’ Remember it is not good practice to enter data more than once. How can you use what you have already entered into sheet ‘Sources – Data’? Where on this sheet there is an opportunity to use the Function LOOKUP? What quantities do we order?, Food item, Unit weight/number.
Remember you will get marks for enhancing the spreadsheet… What you could do to: Enhance the functionality of the spreadsheet? Make it easy to understand and more user-friendly?
Some suggestions Features for consideration: Formatting, Validation, Functions (IF combined with conditional formatting,VLOOKUP, HLOOKUM, SUM, AVERAGE), Forms (e.g. spinners), Protection, Security
So far we have….. Completed some research and sourced some data. In time for the next lesson, you should aim to have completed your research and data table - the next lesson will be all about creating the prototype for your spreadsheet.
Homework Complete the data and sources table. Come up with: a development plan for the spreadsheet ‘Model blank’ (enhancements, features, etc.) an action plan / task list (sequence of actions to implement their development plan)