The Crucible By Arthur Miller CHARACTERS
Introductory Information Written by Arthur Miller In 1953 A fictional recreation of the Salem Witch Trials, their origins, and a psychological investigation of the act of persecution and McCarthyism.
Reverend Parris Mid-40s Widower with children Not a bad father, just did not understand children Lacked control in his household Paranoid and self-pitying Concerned with what others think of him Power-hungry Disliked by parishioners Hostile
Betty Parris 10 year old daughter of Reverend Parris Falls into “stupor” After father caught her dancing in the woods Her illness sparks rumors of witchcraft
Abigail Williams Orphaned Niece of Rev. Parris “Strikingly beautiful” Smart and cunning “Dissembling” Hides true feelings and motives Vindictive Mysterious rumors about her purity Leader of the group
Tituba Rev. Parris’s slave From Barbados Cares about the children Is the first accused of witchcraft Confesses and Repents!
John Proctor Mid 30s Successful farmer Even-tempered and easy going Thinks for himself Often seen as a loner Respected in Salem Logical and tolerant Sees himself as a sinner
Elizabeth Proctor John Proctor’s wife “Sickly” Virtuous Cold Eager to please her husband Timid Avoids conflict Often sad
Mary Warren 18 years old Proctor’s servant Lonely Easily influenced by others Worried
Thomas Putnam 50 years old Eldest son of richest man in Salem Wealthy Landowner Fights with others over land Greedy Nosy Jumps to conclusions Vindictive Little concern for others
Ann Putnam 45 years old Thomas’ wife “Haunted” and “twisted soul” Lost 7 infants Blames others for misfortunes Nosy
Ruth Putnam Thomas and Ann’s daughter Only surviving daughter Falls into stranger stupor After Rev. Parris found dancing in woods Like her “soul was taken”
Mercy Lewis 18 years old Girl in Abigail’s group “Fat” Sly and merciless Apathetic “Beat” Ruth when ill
Francis Nurse Respected in the town Self-made man Serves as unofficial judge for disputes Self-made man Resented by others Target of jealousy Enemy of Thomas Putnam
Rebecca Nurse 72 years old Francis’ wife Gentle, caretaker Calm and strong Experienced Believes “sickness” just boredom of teenage girls Reasonable Wants peace and tolerance in Salem
Giles Corey 83 years old “Comical Hero” Blamed for everything Deeply innocent Ignorant and uneducated
Martha Corey Giles’ third wife Enjoys reading Leads to her accusation of witchcraft
Reverend John Hale 40 years old from Beverly Specialist in demonology Intellectual Reserves judgment His arrival sets the hysteria in motion
Ezekiel Cheever Clerk of the court Upright citizen Determine to perform duty for court
Deputy Governor Danforth 60 years old Grave Allows humor Still business-like Great respect for court Honest True Puritan Believes he is doing what is right Sense of Justice
Judge Hathorne Presides over the witch trials Rushes to judgment Impatient Partial and unfair